The Bee in the War Lord's Bonnet, 1903

To the Baron von Sternberg 't was William who spoke,
“Ere I carry my point there are heads to be broke;
But carry it I will, and the sequel will show
There is naught to the doctrine of Dr. Monroe.

“Come fill up my pipe and fill up my stein!
Send forty more warships across the blue brine!
South American colonies—glory and gold—
Is the bee in the bonnet of William the Bold!

“There are sour-faced Britons and Russians and Franks,
Black-browed Venezuelans and menacing Yanks.
There is spite in their looks, there is fear in their eyes,
As onward I press to the coveted prize.

“Come fill up my pipe, etc.

“There are grasslands for cattle and farmlands to till,
There is guano in Chile and mines in Brazil,
There are riches by sea, there are riches by land
For the sons of the sons of the old Fatherland.

“Come fill up my pipe, etc.

“There's a shot in the locker, a shot in the gun;
The hide of the Panther's a-flash in the sun;
There's a purr for a friend, and a growl for a foe,
And zur Hoelle mit der doctrine of Dr. Monroe!

“Come fill up my pipe, etc.”

On the table he brought down his fist with a crash,
And twisted the fangs of his fearful moustache.
And then in a stein of fresh lager and cold
Died away the wild war notes of William the Bold.

“Come fill up my pipe, come fill up my stein!
Send forty more warships across the blue brine!
South American colonies—glory and gold—
Is the bee in the bonnet of William the Bold!”
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