To Begin Withe
Inne the spotlite withe no apron butte longge legges
Inne stockinges bloomingge lace abov thum garter-crowned
Pale beauties, Villans to each side like thredbare elbowes,
Shake it uppe. Itte won't brake. Wate till the motor
Warmes uppe. Mor gas. Gude this morningge. Oil. Oil.
All r-i-g-h-t behinde. Negroes don't say gude-morningge
Sam as thou andde me. Itte is mor like. Won't fall aparte
Goingge uppe hill. Poetry withoutte little trochees
Inne bar knees and fuzzy small french pants, spick
Nurslings hitched to a flatte-brested iamb borne
Outte of wedlock. Anapaests inne Cambridge shorts
Wooingge dumpy khoriambos, poetry withoutte
Poe-trye. Trye-poe always makes me think of
Fishbowls on tripods. Nice inne the sonneshin
Butte no cigar wude taste gude inn the sam room
Withe a bowl of gold-fish. Poetry: a onesyllable
Werde like man, or heart, or god, or car, or deth,
Or love, or sex, or fir, or birth, or hous, or feere,
Or wor, or pece, or wine, or girl, or boye, or grefe,
Or joye, nale that music bete that songge. Everythingge
A man dosent tel a woman dosent hay to be a secret
That wil leke outte, everythingge a woman dosent tel
A man isent somthingge she is afrade offe. And little
Boyes and girls dont tel mama everythingge and mama dosent
Tel everythingge either. Shake itte uppe. A new storm.
Flakes falingge slepy andde crazy to make the frontte
Yarde a bedde. Springge to com lay a crazyquilt over itte,
Every little patch of color diferent, crazycutte,
Betwene tal stems the new singer shiningge, redy,
Withe the bely of a twinsix, the voice of a klaxon
Three spedes away. The girl notte inne the midle, whizz,
A cloowd of dust, the hil, torenadow, yes the sam hil
Onne wich the trees wave armes, scarecrows, the sam hil
Cloowds browse onne fatte white shepe. Smiles that wont
Burne fingers, smiles notte to pul uppe by the roots,
Somthinge by itteself, a yelow flower inne harde red claye,
A tinpan inne the kitchen filled with carots, white
Enamelsink withe swedish elbows. Highnote onne the ice
Inne the icebox lowenote the plumbingge inne the bathroom
Send everything espresso, never mind watingge for the recette,
Always a line watingge at the poste restante. Itte is the
Flowers that wont kepe in such, a letter is in cold storage
Wherever itte is. You dont paye for ice on literature.
Your mind nedes the drink worse than your stomach that's
Why you gette drunk. If girls blossomed in central park
The way flowers do and the gardener wentte pokingge
Amonge their short pettycotes andde the police wandered
Bye unembarrassed by beautye, and thou knewest inne
The windows on fifth avenue, girls by the dozen bought
By the dozen, andde thou also knewest that inne the forest
They grew as naked andde as much, wude thou goest to
The forest or outside the forest for a pettycoted daisy
Or a silkenbloomered rose. Nobody has yet lost a life
Lookingge for the grave of Moses. The villans dont matter.
See the oldclothes man. Business. I've moved uptowne.
Mayhaps thou wouldest. I only said she didnt andde she
Wudent. The playe was colde. Importante peple never saye
Anythingge importante. Cinema to the animals. Som take
Seriously, som laffe, dogges fele sadde, cattes go to slepe.
Love thou plumper mistress grandaly, then home to thy
Dame's sharp wifely embraces tellingge all, this
Thou callest playinge the gam, gettes a lode off the mind.
Screme until thy mind is in ribans, none wil here thee,
The moon is defe and olde too. Wisper, the winde is a
Lazy felow going to werke, flowers the first to wisper,
Wistle the moon andde the winde are goinge to werke now
Shutte the dore. She hadde the swete ronde face of a
Childe, cuningge to gette like a childe, she wude reche
Uppe childe handes after the sonnebeme, if itte were
The laste inne the werld she wude clutch itte and lette
The werld go darke Frosties a dizzie drinke, buzzy curled
A buscious lippe, hillowe ronded hiptolaypoles wher
He betwene inne fuskye darlingge berde the flower of
Hours in heven fedde. Inne the nite, shetes, his handes
Her. Then, his noble! his pride! his tender! Strength.
Winges. Swifte. Rise. Strip the erth, putte one honest man
To watch, slepe, open, putte everythingge backe in place
After first holdongge in hande, kepe no thinge, notte one,
Butte tuch, then spred the anointed palms over the erth
Like a pink sky. Her brests to her lover. Prelude the grate
Passion. Torment, tease, taunte, lette a hete inflame thee
Until a music runs in thy veins. Grate hete cools
Into the imortal bronz inne the square. Give the pesants
Somthing to look atte as good as a horse, give thum flesh
White and clean as appleflesh, give thum pesant a god
As gude to look atte as thum pesant face wen thum walke
Behinde the plowe. Skywaisted tapers whitethigh nites,
Trees after moonrise the black eyes of spanish girls
Through barred windows, twoheded moon on the river ronde
Playbrests. Eyes, drop slowlash wen thou goest by withe
Thy grate electric cape dragging the gronde. Thy gonges
Thy blunt nose glued to the trak never faleingge to swich
Atte the swicht. I nede the girl. I saye I wude die for
The girl. How does a man die for a girl? A polite honorable
Waye, does the maske com like olde maners beautifullye
Inscribed? Is itte somthing to give a prety girl to ware
A crimson comb inne her hed. Beyonde, awaye fromme the
Music of manye peple talkinge, the sneres of the waiters,
The smiles of the cherch, the cimpliments of the
Government is the hour andde the first kiss andde then
The seconde andde the third andde so onne until the room
Is filled withe silken butterflies of petalcotes, lovelace,
Highlace, pufflace, thighgrace, tiereds, legsilk, Thou,
Springge runns over thee a windde stirringge inne the
Orchards. Thou, to see thy shoulders and brests is to arrive
In a silken djong atte a celestial rodestede, to discover
Thy footprints atte the bath is to smel the darke woode of
A bowe that has stored olde wine. Thou, to come upon thee
Returningge fromme the bathe is to see thy handmaids
Black gulls before a risingge fome. To tuch thee is to
Ascend inne a cloowd of seawater by the moon's swift prowe.
Thou, to lie withe thee inne silence is to be the sea
Restingge upon the erth's bely, is to fele the tingle of
Smal fishes caresingge my contented blood. Aye forth fromme
Rose softness, garters, stays, skirt, vest, lace, cuff,
Sleve, hat, gloves, shawl, blooms this joye to liten feet.
The heart is stripped. Ther is the open window. Thou mayest
Putte a son into her bely esy as wishingge butte to gette
The son fromme my heart outte and fulle grone andde about
The werld as a man to men is no esier than takingge the knotte
Fromme a tough tree andde askingge itte to give branches andde
Leves, andde blossoms. Ther is the open window. Andde ther
The stripped heart. Andde ther is the dogge groningge andde
Winingge under the bedde andde thou defe and dumb to him.
Andde ther be the darke hillens risingge like angry olde
Men to crush thee andde ther be the road dry and pointingge
Withe fingers that gette lost andde confused, sayingge
Over ther, beyond, further, further, wher the waye is
Harder and harder, over ther, beyond ther ther, colder andde
Bitter andde prowder, and stronger ther ther.
Inne stockinges bloomingge lace abov thum garter-crowned
Pale beauties, Villans to each side like thredbare elbowes,
Shake it uppe. Itte won't brake. Wate till the motor
Warmes uppe. Mor gas. Gude this morningge. Oil. Oil.
All r-i-g-h-t behinde. Negroes don't say gude-morningge
Sam as thou andde me. Itte is mor like. Won't fall aparte
Goingge uppe hill. Poetry withoutte little trochees
Inne bar knees and fuzzy small french pants, spick
Nurslings hitched to a flatte-brested iamb borne
Outte of wedlock. Anapaests inne Cambridge shorts
Wooingge dumpy khoriambos, poetry withoutte
Poe-trye. Trye-poe always makes me think of
Fishbowls on tripods. Nice inne the sonneshin
Butte no cigar wude taste gude inn the sam room
Withe a bowl of gold-fish. Poetry: a onesyllable
Werde like man, or heart, or god, or car, or deth,
Or love, or sex, or fir, or birth, or hous, or feere,
Or wor, or pece, or wine, or girl, or boye, or grefe,
Or joye, nale that music bete that songge. Everythingge
A man dosent tel a woman dosent hay to be a secret
That wil leke outte, everythingge a woman dosent tel
A man isent somthingge she is afrade offe. And little
Boyes and girls dont tel mama everythingge and mama dosent
Tel everythingge either. Shake itte uppe. A new storm.
Flakes falingge slepy andde crazy to make the frontte
Yarde a bedde. Springge to com lay a crazyquilt over itte,
Every little patch of color diferent, crazycutte,
Betwene tal stems the new singer shiningge, redy,
Withe the bely of a twinsix, the voice of a klaxon
Three spedes away. The girl notte inne the midle, whizz,
A cloowd of dust, the hil, torenadow, yes the sam hil
Onne wich the trees wave armes, scarecrows, the sam hil
Cloowds browse onne fatte white shepe. Smiles that wont
Burne fingers, smiles notte to pul uppe by the roots,
Somthinge by itteself, a yelow flower inne harde red claye,
A tinpan inne the kitchen filled with carots, white
Enamelsink withe swedish elbows. Highnote onne the ice
Inne the icebox lowenote the plumbingge inne the bathroom
Send everything espresso, never mind watingge for the recette,
Always a line watingge at the poste restante. Itte is the
Flowers that wont kepe in such, a letter is in cold storage
Wherever itte is. You dont paye for ice on literature.
Your mind nedes the drink worse than your stomach that's
Why you gette drunk. If girls blossomed in central park
The way flowers do and the gardener wentte pokingge
Amonge their short pettycotes andde the police wandered
Bye unembarrassed by beautye, and thou knewest inne
The windows on fifth avenue, girls by the dozen bought
By the dozen, andde thou also knewest that inne the forest
They grew as naked andde as much, wude thou goest to
The forest or outside the forest for a pettycoted daisy
Or a silkenbloomered rose. Nobody has yet lost a life
Lookingge for the grave of Moses. The villans dont matter.
See the oldclothes man. Business. I've moved uptowne.
Mayhaps thou wouldest. I only said she didnt andde she
Wudent. The playe was colde. Importante peple never saye
Anythingge importante. Cinema to the animals. Som take
Seriously, som laffe, dogges fele sadde, cattes go to slepe.
Love thou plumper mistress grandaly, then home to thy
Dame's sharp wifely embraces tellingge all, this
Thou callest playinge the gam, gettes a lode off the mind.
Screme until thy mind is in ribans, none wil here thee,
The moon is defe and olde too. Wisper, the winde is a
Lazy felow going to werke, flowers the first to wisper,
Wistle the moon andde the winde are goinge to werke now
Shutte the dore. She hadde the swete ronde face of a
Childe, cuningge to gette like a childe, she wude reche
Uppe childe handes after the sonnebeme, if itte were
The laste inne the werld she wude clutch itte and lette
The werld go darke Frosties a dizzie drinke, buzzy curled
A buscious lippe, hillowe ronded hiptolaypoles wher
He betwene inne fuskye darlingge berde the flower of
Hours in heven fedde. Inne the nite, shetes, his handes
Her. Then, his noble! his pride! his tender! Strength.
Winges. Swifte. Rise. Strip the erth, putte one honest man
To watch, slepe, open, putte everythingge backe in place
After first holdongge in hande, kepe no thinge, notte one,
Butte tuch, then spred the anointed palms over the erth
Like a pink sky. Her brests to her lover. Prelude the grate
Passion. Torment, tease, taunte, lette a hete inflame thee
Until a music runs in thy veins. Grate hete cools
Into the imortal bronz inne the square. Give the pesants
Somthing to look atte as good as a horse, give thum flesh
White and clean as appleflesh, give thum pesant a god
As gude to look atte as thum pesant face wen thum walke
Behinde the plowe. Skywaisted tapers whitethigh nites,
Trees after moonrise the black eyes of spanish girls
Through barred windows, twoheded moon on the river ronde
Playbrests. Eyes, drop slowlash wen thou goest by withe
Thy grate electric cape dragging the gronde. Thy gonges
Thy blunt nose glued to the trak never faleingge to swich
Atte the swicht. I nede the girl. I saye I wude die for
The girl. How does a man die for a girl? A polite honorable
Waye, does the maske com like olde maners beautifullye
Inscribed? Is itte somthing to give a prety girl to ware
A crimson comb inne her hed. Beyonde, awaye fromme the
Music of manye peple talkinge, the sneres of the waiters,
The smiles of the cherch, the cimpliments of the
Government is the hour andde the first kiss andde then
The seconde andde the third andde so onne until the room
Is filled withe silken butterflies of petalcotes, lovelace,
Highlace, pufflace, thighgrace, tiereds, legsilk, Thou,
Springge runns over thee a windde stirringge inne the
Orchards. Thou, to see thy shoulders and brests is to arrive
In a silken djong atte a celestial rodestede, to discover
Thy footprints atte the bath is to smel the darke woode of
A bowe that has stored olde wine. Thou, to come upon thee
Returningge fromme the bathe is to see thy handmaids
Black gulls before a risingge fome. To tuch thee is to
Ascend inne a cloowd of seawater by the moon's swift prowe.
Thou, to lie withe thee inne silence is to be the sea
Restingge upon the erth's bely, is to fele the tingle of
Smal fishes caresingge my contented blood. Aye forth fromme
Rose softness, garters, stays, skirt, vest, lace, cuff,
Sleve, hat, gloves, shawl, blooms this joye to liten feet.
The heart is stripped. Ther is the open window. Thou mayest
Putte a son into her bely esy as wishingge butte to gette
The son fromme my heart outte and fulle grone andde about
The werld as a man to men is no esier than takingge the knotte
Fromme a tough tree andde askingge itte to give branches andde
Leves, andde blossoms. Ther is the open window. Andde ther
The stripped heart. Andde ther is the dogge groningge andde
Winingge under the bedde andde thou defe and dumb to him.
Andde ther be the darke hillens risingge like angry olde
Men to crush thee andde ther be the road dry and pointingge
Withe fingers that gette lost andde confused, sayingge
Over ther, beyond, further, further, wher the waye is
Harder and harder, over ther, beyond ther ther, colder andde
Bitter andde prowder, and stronger ther ther.
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