Behold the Lilies!

Behold the lilies of the field
How beautiful and fair;
Their fragrance as a breath of heaven
Refreshes all the air.

No sordid labors bow them down,
Nor dull depressing care;
They only tell of God's great love,
And that is everywhere.

The wings of morning are too slow
To bear us from His sight;
The midnight has no shadows deep
To hide from us His light.

If not a sparrow falls to earth
Unnoticed by His eye,
Will He, our Father and our Friend
Unheeded pass us by?

Shall we not learn from fading flowers —
Frail children of the dust —
To lay our cares before His throne,
And in his mercy trust?

There's not a care that weights us down,
No blinding tears that fall,
Nor sorrow piercing to the heart
But he beholds them all;

And offers us with tender love,
Mid dangers and alarms,
A refuge for our souls within
His everlasting arms.
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