Benefit of Early Piety

Come , children, learn the heav'nly art,
To make your growing years
All happy, and defend your heart
From guilt, distress, and fears.

Remember him who gave you breath,
Remember him who dy'd
To save you from eternal death:
His precepts be your guide.

What ornaments a young man grace,
In piety approv'd!
How lovely virtue's blooming face!
By God and man belov'd.

Virtue in early youth begun
The man with ease pursues;
And when his mortal course is run,
In heav'n his life renews.

O squander not your noblest time
In vanity and sin:
Left death should pluck you in your prime,
And hell should snatch you in.

Fond parents, with religious care
Your tender offspring train:
Warn them of every ambush'd snare,
Sow, sow the pious grain.

Thus the great Father gives command,
Thus speaks a parent's love.
Know, judgment's awful day, at hand,
Your faithfulness will prove.
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