The Benjamins' Lamentation for Their Sad Loss at Sea, by Storms and Tempests


C APTAIN C HILVER'S gone to Sea,
I Boys, O Boys,
With all his Company, I.
Captain Chilver's gone to Sea,
With all his Company,
In the brave Benjamin , O.

Thirty Guns the Ship did bear,
I Boys, O Boys,
They were bound for Venice fair, I.
Thirty guns his Ship did bear,
And a hundred men so dear,
In the brave Benjamin , O.

But by ill Storms at Sea.
I Boys, O Boys,
Which bred our Misery, I.
But by ill Storms at Sea,
We were drove out o' th' way,
In the brave Benjamin , O.

We had more Wind than we could bear,
I Boys, O Boys,
Our Ship it would not steer, I.
We had more Wind than we could bear,
Our Masts and Sails did tear
In the poor Benjamin , O.

The first harm that we had,
I Boys, O Boys,
It makes my heart so sad, I.
The first harm we had,
We lost our Fore-mast head,
O, the poor Benjamin , O.

The Seas aloud did roar,
I Boys, O Boys,
We being far from shore, I.
The Sea no favour shows
Unto Friends or Foes,
O, the poor Benjamin , O.

The next harm that we spy'd,
I Boys, O Boys,
Then we to Heaven cry'd, I.
Down fell our Main-mast head,
Which struck our senses dead,
In the poor Benjamin , O.

Thus we with Seas were crost,
I Boys, O Boys,
And on the Ocean tost, I.
Thus we with Seas were tost,
Many a brave man was lost,
In the poor Benjamin , O.

The next harm that we had,
I Boys, O Boys,
We had cause to be sad, I.
The next harm that we had,
We lost four men from the yard,
In the poor Benjamin , O.

Disabled as I name,
I Boys, O Boys,
We were drove on the Main, I.
So the next harm we had,
We lost our Rudder's head
In the poor Benjamin , O.

Then we all fell to Prayer,
I Boys, O Boys,
The Lord our lives would spare, I.
Then we fell to Prayer,
And He at last did hear,
Us in the Benjamin , O.

Although we sail'd in fear,
I Boys, O Boys,
The Lord our Ship did steer, I.
Our Prayers so fervent were,
That we had passage clear,
Into brave Plymouth Sound, O.

We came to Plymouth Sound,
I Boys, O Boys,
Our hearts did then resound, I.
When we came to Plymouth Sound
Our grief with joy was crown'd,
In the poor Benjamin , O.

When we came all on shore,
I Boys, O, Boys,
Every Man at his door, I.
When we came all on shore,
Our grief we did deplore,
In the poor Benjamin , O.

You gallant Young-men all,
I Boys, O Boys,
'Tis unto you I call, I.
Likewise brave Seamen all,
Lament the loss and fall,
Of the poor Benjamin , O.
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