Bethlehem's Star

The star that lit the Magi's road,
With its enlivening ray,
Diffused its blessed light abroad,
To where our Jesus lay.

Oh, guided by its sacred beam,
May Christ by us be sought,
To give those youthful hearts to him,
Which His own blood has bought.

No incense with its odor sweet
No costly myrrh have we,
No gold to lavish at his feet,
Oblation rich and free.

But with our knee in rev'rence bent,
And tear-drops in our eyes,
Our souls and bodies we present,
A living sacrifice.

Lord, take us, children as we are,
Speak all our sins forgiven,
And may the bright and morning star,
Still lead us on to Heaven.

Oh, let thy rod and staff defend,
Where'er our lot be cast,
Thy servants till our life shall end,
Thy jewels at the last.
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