The Better Will

To have, each day, the thing I wish,
Lord, that seems best to me;
But not to have the thing I wish,
Lord, that seems best to thee.

'Tis hard to say without a sigh,
Lord, let thy will be done;
'Tis hard to say, My will is thine,
And thine is mine alone.

Most truly then thy will is done,
When mine, O Lord, is cross'd;
'Tis good to see my plans o'erthrown,
My ways in thine all lost.

Whate'er thy purpose be, O Lord,
In things or great or small,
Let each minutest part be done,
That thou may'st still be all.

In all the little things of life,
Thyself, Lord, may I see;
In little and in great alike
Reveal thy love to me.

So shall my undivided life
To thee, my God, be given;
And all this earthly course below
Be one dear path to heaven.
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