Beyond the Profit of Today

Lord, give me vision that shall see
— Beyond the profit of today
Into the years which are to be,
— That I may take the larger, wiser way.

I seek for fortune, Lord, nor claim
— To scorn the recompense I earn;
But help me, as I play the game,
— To give the world its just return.

Thou mad'st the earth for all of us,
— Teach me through struggle, strain and stress
To win and do my share, for thus
— Can profit lead to happiness.

Guard me from thoughts of little men
— Which blind the soul to greater things;
Save me from smug content and then
— From greed and selfishness it brings.

Aid me to join that splendid clan
— Of Business Men who seek to trace
A calm, considered working-plan
— To make the world a better place.

Teach me to hold this task above
— All lesser thoughts within my ken,
That thus I may be worthy of
— The name of Business Man; Amen!

Lord, give me vision that shall see
— Beyond the profit of today
Into the years which are to be,
— That I may take the larger, wiser way.

I seek for fortune, Lord, nor claim
— To scorn the recompense I earn;
But help me, as I play the game,
— To give the world its just return.

Thou mad'st the earth for all of us,
— Teach me through struggle, strain and stress
To win and do my share, for thus
— Can profit lead to happiness.

Guard me from thoughts of little men
— Which blind the soul to greater things;
Save me from smug content and then
— From greed and selfishness it brings.

Aid me to join that splendid clan
— Of Business Men who seek to trace
A calm, considered working-plan
— To make the world a better place.

Teach me to hold this task above
— All lesser thoughts within my ken,
That thus I may be worthy of
— The name of Business Man; Amen!
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