On a Beyt of Mahmud Nedim Pasha

On a Beyt of Mahm u d Ned i m Pasha

Heart! heart! how long shall last this sorrow, anguish and dismay?
All things upon earth's ruin-cumbered waste must needs decay.
What was the splendor of Jemsh i d? where Khusrev and where Key?
Hold fast the goblet and the wine, let chance not fleet away!
" Our coming to this world is one; man must reflect, survey;
Care must one banish, and look out for calm and quiet aye. "

Be he Khusrev, or Rustem, or Ner i m a n, or Jemsh i d,
Or be he beggar; be Isl a m or heathenesse his creed;
A few days in earth's inn a guest is he, then must he speed:
Something to render gay that time is surely wisdom's need.
" Our coming to this world is one; man must reflect, survey;
Care must one banish, and look out for calm and quiet aye. "

When viewed with understanding's eye, the mote hath no repose;
The world must thus be imaged for exemption from its woes:
Of my coming and my going it no lasting picture shows —
That a departure surely is which no returning knows.
" Our coming to this world is one; man must reflect, survey;
Care must one banish, and look out for calm and quiet, aye. "

Events the workings of the Lord Most High make manifest;
Being the mirror is in which the Absolute's exprest;
He who this mystery perceives in every state is blest;
The exit of each one who enters earth decreed doth rest.
" Our coming to this world is one; man must reflect, survey;
Care must one banish, and look out for calm and quiet aye. "

See that thou grievest not thyself with sorrows all unwise;
'Tis need all pleasure to enjoy as far as in thee lies;
Alike is he who lives in joy and he whom trouble tries;
If thou be prudent, ne'er thine opportunities despise.
" Our coming to this world is one; man must reflect, survey;
Care must one banish, and look out for calm and quiet aye. "

Since first the banquet fair, this world, was cast in form's designs,
How many rakes have passed away! how many libertines!
As counsel meet for revelers, when he perceived those signs,
Around the goblet's rim the Magian priest engraved these lines:
" Our coming to this world is one; man must reflect, survey;
Care must one banish, and look out for calm and quiet aye. "

At length, Ziy a , shall joy beam forth, and grief an end shall find;
But yet, O man, these ever enter Fortune's feast combined.
This hidden mystery learn thou, by Mahm u d Beg defined,
Who has the secret of the same within this verse enshrined:
" Our coming to this world is one; man must reflect, survey;
Care must one banish, and look out for calm and quiet aye. "
Author of original: 
Ziya Beg
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