A Bill of Life

Do no errand with another! — mind composed and Nature take!
Tell no dreams when thou arisest! — thy realities they shake,
Sleep at once without romancing! Leave thy bed when well awake!

Women wish but men endeavor; wish not anything that's small!
Affectations ne'er are clever; clear thy mind of one and all!
Love the few things that forever shall enlarge thy heart and hall!

Women cultivate in leisure! See beneath their swimming eyes!
Animally take thy pleasure in strong sleep and exercise!
If at last thy father's measure thou can'st match, it may suffice.

Conscience is what sleep disturbeth; debt will do it like to crime.
Have thy treasure aye in motion: earth is moving all the time.
Sometimes let another earn thee with his talents things sublime!

Gently fan the public spirit like thy hearthstone's moderate light!
When thy love of country falters, it, not thou, is in the right.
Be not rigid with thy statesman! Trust them farther than thy sight!

Be thou just but not severely! Who made thee his justice first?
He who would act God austerely is of all the devils worst,
Thou whose harvests ripen yearly, cannot say that earth is curst.

Hope not Heaven will all reveal thee, 'tis revealing makes Earth heaven;
In the Pleiades the spyglass shows the stars there more than seven,
Always something's left that's hidden for the future to replevin.

If thy prim ideals draggle, think how earth itself was slime!
As thy generations waggle, think how young they are in time!
Dust of thine shall quicken often ere our satellite's in prime.

Marry! that thyself transmitted, shall the planet twice inherit!
Thou art walking on the waters in thy ante-parents' spirit.
Thou shalt die unless parental in thy persevering merit.

Let thy newsman not o'errule thee; he the bustler of a day!
Let thy priest but seldom fool thee, nor too oft thy wife soothsay!
Thou art home's revered example; when thou strayest home may stray.

Thou who yearned for light on all things, have thy mind a crystal prism!
All defects old age makes monstrous: rally from thy cynicism!
Give the world that entertained thee, unction from thy parting chrism!

Higher than the Nation's Ruler is the Neighborhood's clear guide.
They who need divinest friendship are the bridegroom and the bride.
Not a hector, nor Elector, but a Gentleman abide!
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