The Bills

Oh! the bills, Christmas bills!
What a world of misery
Their memory instills!
As the merchants with their quills
Stuck behind their “ears polite,”
So caressingly invite
Your kind and prompt attention
To their bills!
How they dun, dun, dun,
As they kindly urge upon
Your earliest attention their blessed little bills,
Little bills!

With a power of perforation,
And a maw that never fills,
What a sad dissimulation
To call them little bills!
While all the tin that tinkles
In your pocket only sprinkles
A little liquidation on the

Oh! the destiny that fills
All our holidays with bills,
When the very Christmas dinner
Of the poor indebted sinner
Might be cooked with the fuel of his bills!
Oh! the bills, bills, bills, bills!
Nothing else but bills!
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