Blessed Is Everyone

is everyone
1. Blessèd is everyone That doth Jehovah fear, That walks
For thou shalt eat with cheer
For thou shalt eat with cheer
his ways along. For thou shalt eat with cheer Thy hands' labor;
For thou shalt eat with cheer
Shall be therefore.
Shall be therefore.
Blest shalt thou be, It well with thee Shall be therefore.
Shall be therefore.

2. Thy wife, like fruitful vine,
Shall be by thine house side;
The children that be thine
Like olive plants abide
About thy board.
Behold thus blest
That man doth rest,
That fears the Lord.

3. Jehovah shall thee bless
From Sion, and shall see
Jerusalem's goodness
All thy life's days that be,
And shalt view well
Thy children then
With their children
Peace on Israel.
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