The Blessing of Hope in Death; or Comfort in a dying Hour earnestly implored
Yes ; I must bow my Head and die!
What then can bear my Spirit up?
In Nature's last Extremity
Who can afford one Ray of Hope?
Then all created Comforts fail,
And Earth speaks nothing but Despair;
And you, my Friends, must bid Farewel,
And leave your Fellow-Traveller.
Yet, S AVIOUR , thine Almighty Pow'r.
Ev'n then can sure Support afford,
Ev'n then that Hope shall smile secure,
That's now supported by thy Word.
Searcher of Hearts! O try me now,
Nor let me build upon the Sand;
O teach me now myself to know,
That I may then the Trial stand!
Yes ; I must bow my Head and die!
What then can bear my Spirit up?
In Nature's last Extremity
Who can afford one Ray of Hope?
Then all created Comforts fail,
And Earth speaks nothing but Despair;
And you, my Friends, must bid Farewel,
And leave your Fellow-Traveller.
Yet, S AVIOUR , thine Almighty Pow'r.
Ev'n then can sure Support afford,
Ev'n then that Hope shall smile secure,
That's now supported by thy Word.
Searcher of Hearts! O try me now,
Nor let me build upon the Sand;
O teach me now myself to know,
That I may then the Trial stand!
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