The Blessing of Rain

How, like a blessing, falls the rain
On thirsty field, and parched hill,
And on the dry, and dusty plain,
Low swamp and pool the rain drops fill.

They wash the tall tree's withering leaves
And fresh the forest's branches wave;
The dying shrub the gift receives,
That comes its feeble life to save.

The birds their painful silence break,
And fill with joyful notes the grove;
The cattle now their thirst can slake,
Nor for a spring they vainly rove.

A pleasant smell the moist earth sends
To heaven for the reviving shower;
Which with unnumbered odors blends,
The incense sweet of many a flower.

And man, with every living thing,
With grateful heart his voice doth lift
In praise to God; and thanks doth bring
For every good and perfect gift.
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