The Blessings of Peace

Let ev'ry face be fill'd with joy
And ev'ry glass with wine;
Let boundless mirth all cares destroy
In ecstasies divine.

For peace and plenty are returning
To our British Isle;
Then lay aside all grief and mourning,
Gayly ever smile.

Our gracious Queen, our loyal Peers
And Commons have agreed
That wars shall cease for future years,
And union shall succeed.

Rejoice, ye beauties of the court,
Your heroes will return;
Ye British nymphs, no more resort
In lonely shades to mourn.

For now your faithful swains shall bless
Your long neglected arms
With glory, honour, and success,
And never dying charms.

While you, with peaceful blessings crown'd,
Enjoy the sweets of love,
And new-born pleasures still abound
In ev'ry blissful grove.

Ye martial heroes, lay aside
The thoughts of war's alarms;
Your hours will better be employ'd
Within the fair one's arms.

They shall with equal transports meet
While boldly you advance,
And make your pleasures doubly sweet
With endless complaisance.

While you recruit an infant train
In Venus' gentler wars
To make amends for those you've slain
Within the field of Mars.

Ye loyal Britons, lay aside
All grief and discontent;
Your Queen will such a peace provide
Shall all your fears prevent.

Great Anna seeks our happiness,
And not her private ends;
To find out means her realm to bless
Is all that she intends.

Let, then, the happy world rejoice,
Let war and discord cease;
Let ev'ry heart and ev'ry voice
Applaud this glorious peace.
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