The Bloody Conquests of Mighty Tamburlaine
Now crouch, ye kings of greatest Asia,
And tremble when ye hear this scourge will come,
That whips down cities, and controleth crowns,
Adding their wealth and treasure to my store.
The Euxine sea north to Natolia,
The Terrene west, the Caspian north north-east,
And on the south Senus Arabicus,
Shall all be loden with the martial spoils
We will convey with us to Persea.
Then shall my native city Samarcanda
And crystal waves of fresh Iaertis stream,
The pride and beauty of her princely seat,
Be famous through the furthest continents,
For there my Palace royal shall be plac'd:
Whose shining turrets shall dismay the heavens,
And cast the fame of Ilion's tower to hell.
Thorough the streets with troops of conquered kings,
I'll ride in golden armour like the Sun,
And in my helm a triple plume shall spring,
Spangled with diamonds dancing in the air,
To note me Emperour of the threefold world,
Like to an almond tree ymounted high,
Upon the lofty and celestial mount,
Of ever green Selinus quaintly deck'd
With blooms more white than Hericina's brows,
Whose tender blossoms tremble every one,
At every little breath that thorough heaven is blowen:
Then in my coach like Saturn's royal son,
Mounted in his shining chariot, gilt with fire,
And drawen with princely eagles through the path,
Pav'd with bright crystal, and enchas'd with stars,
When all the Gods stand gazing at his pomp,
So will I ride through Samarcanda streets,
Until my soul dissevered from this flesh,
Shall mount the milk-white way and meet him there.
To Babylon, my lords, to Babylon . . .
And tremble when ye hear this scourge will come,
That whips down cities, and controleth crowns,
Adding their wealth and treasure to my store.
The Euxine sea north to Natolia,
The Terrene west, the Caspian north north-east,
And on the south Senus Arabicus,
Shall all be loden with the martial spoils
We will convey with us to Persea.
Then shall my native city Samarcanda
And crystal waves of fresh Iaertis stream,
The pride and beauty of her princely seat,
Be famous through the furthest continents,
For there my Palace royal shall be plac'd:
Whose shining turrets shall dismay the heavens,
And cast the fame of Ilion's tower to hell.
Thorough the streets with troops of conquered kings,
I'll ride in golden armour like the Sun,
And in my helm a triple plume shall spring,
Spangled with diamonds dancing in the air,
To note me Emperour of the threefold world,
Like to an almond tree ymounted high,
Upon the lofty and celestial mount,
Of ever green Selinus quaintly deck'd
With blooms more white than Hericina's brows,
Whose tender blossoms tremble every one,
At every little breath that thorough heaven is blowen:
Then in my coach like Saturn's royal son,
Mounted in his shining chariot, gilt with fire,
And drawen with princely eagles through the path,
Pav'd with bright crystal, and enchas'd with stars,
When all the Gods stand gazing at his pomp,
So will I ride through Samarcanda streets,
Until my soul dissevered from this flesh,
Shall mount the milk-white way and meet him there.
To Babylon, my lords, to Babylon . . .
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