Boetius. Libr. 3. Metr. 6


The stock of man, the Root, the body, Boughs,
(Whose breadth or'e-spreads the earth, height tops the skies)
One Parent hath; he Sire, and Dam; he plowes,
Plants, waters: he our birth, growth, all supplies.
He fills the Sun with Seas of flowing beams;
Surrounds, and drains the Moon with changing streames.


He peoples Seas with fish, the Heaven with Stars,
Plants ayer, and earth with living Colonies.
He pounds mans God-like Spirit in fleshly bars,
And by that spirit earth to himself allies.
Men are of high descent: their Petigree
Mortals derive from great Eternitie.


Boast ye of Sires? and Grandsires? search ye earth
For Heaven? Heavens Register will shew your race.
Heavens King your Sire: from Heaven, in Heaven your birth
A noble, royal line. No man is base
But such, as for base earth Heavens birthright sell,
By vice cut off from Heaven, and grafted into Hell.
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