Book 7
This said, brave Hector through the ports with Troy's bane-bringing Knight
Made issue to th' insatiate field, resolv'd to fervent fight.
And as the weather-wielder sends to Sea-men prosperous gales
When with their sallow-polisht Oares, long lifted from their fals,
Their wearied armes, dissolv'd with toyle, can scarce strike one stroke more,
Like those sweet winds appear'd these Lords to Troyans tir'd before.
Then fell they to the works of death. By Paris' valour fell
King Areithous' haplesse sonne, that did in Arne dwell,
Menesthius, whose renown'd Sire a Club did ever beare
And of Phylomedusa gat (that had her eyes so cleare)
This slaughterd issue. Hector's dart strooke Eioneus dead;
Beneath his good steele caske it pierc't above his gorget-stead.
Glaucus, Hippolochus his sonne, that led the Lycian crew,
Iphinous-Dexiades with sodaine Javelin slew
As he was mounting to his horse; his shoulders tooke the speare
And ere he sate, in tumbling downe, his powres dissolved were.
When gray-eyd Pallas had perceiv'd the Greekes so fall in fight,
From high Olympus' top she stoopt and did on Ilion light.
Apollo (to encounter her) to Pergamus did flie,
From whence he (looking to the field) wisht Troyans victorie.
At Jove's broad Beech these godheads met, and first Jove's sonne objects:
‘Why, burning in contention thus, do thy extreme affects
Conduct thee from our peacefull hill? Is it to oversway
The doubtfull victorie of fight and give the Greeks the day?
Thou never pitiest perishing Troy, yet now let me perswade
That this day no more mortall wounds may either side invade.
Hereafter, till the end of Troy they shall apply the fight
Since your immortall wils resolve to overturne it quite.’
Pallas replide: ‘It likes me well; for this came I from heaven.
But to make either army ceasse, what order shall be given?’
He said: ‘We will direct the spirit that burnes in Hector's brest
To challenge any Greeke to wounds, with single powers imprest;
Which Greeks (admiring) will accept and make some one stand out
So stout a challenge to receive with a defence as stout.’
It is confirmd, and Helenus (King Priam's loved seed)
By Augurie discernd th' event that these two powres decreed,
And, greeting Hector, askt him this: ‘Wilt thou be once advisde?
I am thy brother, and thy life with mine is evenly prisde.
Command the rest of Troy and Greece to ceasse this publicke fight
And what Greeke beares the greatest mind to single strokes excite.
I promise thee that yet thy soule shall not descend to fates;
So heard I thy survivall cast by the celestiall States.’
Hector with glad allowance gave his brother's counsell eare
And (fronting both the hoasts) advanc't, just in the midst, his speare.
The Troyans instantly surceasse; the Greeks Atrides staid.
The God that beares the silver Bow and warre's triumphant Maide
On Jove's Beech like two Vultures sat, pleasd to behold both parts
Flow in to heare, so sternly arm'd with huge shields, helmes and darts.
And such fresh horror as you see driven through the wrinkled waves
By rising Zephyr, under whom the sea growes blacke and raves—
Such did the hastie gathering troupes of both hoasts make to heare;
Whose tumult settl'd, twixt them both thus spake the challenger:
‘Heare, Troyans and ye well-arm'd Greeks, what my strong mind (diffusde
Through all my spirits) commands me speake. Saturnius hath not usde
His promist favour for our truce, but (studying both our ils)
Will never ceasse till Mars, by you, his ravenous stomacke fils
With ruin'd Troy or we consume your mightie Sea-borne fleet.
Since then the Generall Peeres of Greece in reach of one voice meete,
Amongst you all whose breast includes the most impulsive mind,
Let him stand forth as combattant, by all the rest designde.
Before whom thus I call high Jove to witnesse of our strife,
If he with home-thrust iron can reach th' exposure of my life
(Spoiling my armes) let him at will convey them to his tent,
But let my body be returnd, that Troy's two-sext descent
May waste it in the funerall Pile: if I can slaughter him
(Apollo honoring me so much) I'le spoile his conquerd lim
And beare his armes to Ilion, where in Apollo's shrine
I'le hang them as my trophies due; his body I'le resigne
To be disposed by his friends in flamie funerals
And honourd with erected tombe where Hellespontus fals
Into Ægæum and doth reach even to your navall rode—
That when our beings in the earth shall hide their period,
Survivers, sailing the blacke sea, may thus his name renew:
“This is his monument whose bloud long since did fates embrew
Whom, passing farre in fortitude, illustrate Hector slew.”
This shall posteritie report, and my fame never die.’
This said, dumbe silence seiz'd them all: they shamed to denie
And fear'd to undertake. At last, did Menelaus speake,
Checkt their remisnesse and so sigh'd as if his heart would breake
‘Aye me, but onely threatning Greeks, not worthy Grecian names!
This more and more, not to be borne, makes grow our huge defames,
If Hector's honorable proofe be entertaind by none.
But you are earth and water all, which (symboliz'd in one)
Have fram'd your faint unfirie spirits! Ye sit without your harts,
Grosly inglorious! But my selfe will use acceptive darts
And arme against him, though you thinke I arme gainst too much ods;
But conquest's garlands hang aloft amongst th' immortall gods.’
He arm'd and gladly would have fought; but, Menelaus, then
By Hector's farre more strength thy soule had fled th' abodes of men,
Had not the kings of Greece stood up and thy attempt restraind—
And even the king of men himselfe that in such compasse raign'd,
Who tooke him by the bold right hand and sternly pluckt him backe:
‘Mad brother, tis no worke for thee: thou seekst thy wilfull wracke.
Containe, though it despite thee much, nor for this strife engage
Thy person with a man more strong and whom all feare t' enrage—
Yea, whom Æacides himselfe in men-renowning warre
Makes doubt t' encounter, whose huge strength surpasseth thine by farre.
Sit thou then by thy regiment: some other Greeke will rise
(Though he be dreadlesse and no warre will his desires suffice
That makes this challenge to our strength) our valours to avow;
To whom, if he can scape with life, he will be glad to bow.’
This drew his brother from his will, who yeelded, knowing it true,
And his glad souldiers tooke his armes: when Nestor did pursue
The same reproofe he set on foote, and thus supplide his turne:
‘What huge indignitie is this! how will our country mourne!
Old Peleus, that good king, will weepe, that worthy counsellor,
That trumpet of the Myrmidons, who much did aske me for
All men of name that went to Troy: with joy he did enquire
Their valour and their towardnesse, and I made him admire.
But that ye all feare Hector now, if his grave eares shall heare,
How will be lift his hands to heaven and pray that death may beare
His grieved soule into the deepe! O would to heaven's great King,
Minerva and the God of light, that now my youthfull spring
Did flourish in my willing veines as when at Pheia's towres,
About the streames of Jardanus, my gather'd Pylean powres
And dart-employed Arcadians fought neere raging Celadon!
Amongst whom first of all stood forth great Ereuthalion,
Who th' armes of Areithous wore—brave Areithous—
And (since he still fought with a club) sirnam'd Clavigerus:
All men and faire-girt Ladies both for honour cald him so.
He fought not with a keepe-off speare or with a farre-shot bow,
But with a massie club of iron he brake through armed bands;
And yet Lycurgus was his death, but not with force of hands.
With sleight (encountring in a lane where his club wanted sway)
He thrust him through his spacious waste, who fell and upwards lay,
In death not bowing his face to earth: his armes he did despoile,
Which iron Mars bestowd on him; and those in Mars his toile
Lycurgus ever after wore, but when he aged grew,
Enforc't to keepe his peacefull house, their use he did renew
On mightie Ereuthalion's lims, his souldier, loved well;
And with these Armes he challeng'd all that did in Armes excell.
All shooke and stood dismaid; none durst his adverse champion make.
Yet this same forward mind of mine of choice would undertake
To fight with all his confidence; though yongest enemie
Of all the armie we conduc't, yet I fought with him, I.
Minerva made me so renownd, and that most tall strong Peere
I slue; his big bulke lay on earth, extended here and there
As it were covetous to spread the center every where.
O that my youth were now as fresh and all my powers as sound!
Soone should bold Hector be impugn'd! Yet you that most are crownd
With fortitude of all our hoast, even you me thinkes are slow,
Not free and set on fire with lust t' encounter such a foe.’
With this, nine royall Princes rose: Atrides for the first;
Then Diomed; th' Ajaces then, that did th' encounter thirst;
King Idomen and his consort, Mars-like Meriones;
Euæmon's sonne Eurypylus; and Andræmonides,
Whom all the Grecians Thoas cald, sprong of Andræmon's blood;
And wise Ulysses—every one proposd for combat stood.
Againe Gerenius Nestor spake: ‘Let lots be drawne by all;
His hand shall helpe the wel-armd Greeks on whom the lot doth fall,
And to his wish shall he be helpt, if he escape with life
The harmfull danger-breathing fit of this adventrous strife.’
Each markt his lot and cast it in to Agamemnon's caske.
The souldiers praid, held up their hands and this of Jove did aske
(With eyes advanc't to heaven): ‘O Jove, so leade the Herald's hand,
That Ajax or great Tydeus' sonne may our wisht champion stand,
Or else the King himselfe that rules the rich Mycenian land!’
This said, old Nestor mixt the lots. The foremost lot survaid
With Ajax Telamon was sign'd, as all the souldiers praid:
One of the Heralds drew it forth, who brought and shewd it round,
Beginning at the right hand first, to all the most renownd.
None knowing it, every man denide; but when he forth did passe
To him which markt and cast it in, which famous Ajax was,
He stretcht his hand and into it the Herald put the lot,
Who (viewing it) th' inscription knew; the Duke denied not,
But joyfully acknowledg'd it, and threw it at his feet,
And said: ‘O friends, the lot is mine, which to my soule is sweet,
For now I hope my fame shall rise in noble Hector's fall.
But whilst I arme my selfe, do you on great Saturnius call,
But silently, or to your selves, that not a Troyan heare—
Or openly (if you thinke good) since none alive we feare.
None with a will, if I will not, can my bold powers affright,
At least for plaine fierce swinge of strength, or want of skill in fight;
For I will well prove that my birth and breed in Salamine
Was not all consecrate to meate or meere effects of wine.’
This said, the wel-given souldiers prayed; up went to heaven their eyne:
‘O Jove, that Ida doest protect, most happie, most divine,
Send victorie to Ajax' side; fame grace his goodly lim.
Or (if thy love blesse Hector's life and thou hast care of him)
Bestow on both like power, like fame.’ This said, in bright armes shone
The good strong Ajax, who, when all his warre attire was on,
Marcht like the hugely figur'd Mars when angry Jupiter
With strength, on people proud of strength, sends him forth to inferre
Wreakfull contention, and comes on with presence full of feare:
So th' Achive rampire, Telamon, did twixt the hoasts appeare;
Smil'd, yet of terrible aspect; on earth with ample pace
He boldly stalkt, and shooke aloft his dart with deadly grace.
It did the Grecians good to see, but heartquakes shooke the joynts
Of all the Troyans. Hector's selfe felt thoughts with horrid points
Tempt his bold bosome; but he now must make no counterflight,
Nor (with his honour) now refuse, that had provokt the fight.
Ajax came neare; and like a towre his shield his bosome bard,
The right side brasse, and seven Oxehides within it quilted hard.
Old Tychius, the best currier that did in Hyle dwell,
Did frame it for exceeding proofe, and wrought it wondrous well.
With this stood he to Hector close, and with this Brave began:
‘Now, Hector, thou shalt clearly know, thus meeting man to man,
What other leaders arme our hoast besides great Thetis' sonne,
Who with his hardie Lion's heart hath armies overrunne.
But he lies at our crookt-sternd fleet, a Rivall with our King
In height of spirit; yet to Troy he many knights did bring
Coequall with Æacides, all able to sustaine
All thy bold challenge can import. Begin, then; words are vaine.’
The Helme-grac't Hector answerd him: ‘Renowned Telamon,
Prince of the souldiers came from Greece, assay not me, like one
Yong and immartiall, with great words as to an Amazon dame.
I have the habit of all fights, and know the bloudie frame
Of every slaughter. I well know the ready right-hand charge;
I know the left, and every sway of my securefull targe.
I triumph in the crueltie of fixed combat fight,
And manage horse to all designes. I thinke then with good right
I may be confident as farre as this my challenge goes,
Without being taxed with a vaunt borne out with emptie showes.
But (being a souldier so renownd) I will not worke on thee
With least advantage of that skill I know doth strengthen me,
And so with privitie of sleight winne that for which I strive,
But at thy best (even open strength) if my endevours thrive.’
Thus sent he his long Javelin forth. It strooke his foe's huge shield
Neere to the upper skirt of brasse, which was the eighth it held.
Sixe folds th' untamed dart strooke through, and in the seventh tough hide
The point was chekt. Then Ajax threw: his angry Lance did glide
Quite through his bright orbicular targe, his curace, shirt of maile,
And did his manly stomack's mouth with dangerous taint assaile;
But in the bowing of himselfe blacke death too short did strike.
Then both to plucke their Javelins forth encountred Lion-like,
Whose bloudie violence is increast by that raw food they eate,
Or Bores, whose strength wilde nourishment doth make so wondrous great.
Againe Priamides did wound, in midst, his shield of brasse,
Yet pierc't not through the upper plate—the head reflected was;
But Ajax (following his Lance) smote through his target quite
And stayd bold Hector rushing in. The Lance held way outright
And hurt his necke: out gusht the bloud, yet Hector ceast not so
But in his strong hand tooke a Flint (as he did backwards go)
Blacke, sharpe and big, layd in the field. The sevenfold targe it smit
Full on the bosse, and round about the brasse did ring with it.
But Ajax a farre greater stone lift up and (wreathing round,
With all his bodie layd to it) he sent it forth to wound
And gave unmeasur'd force to it: the round stone broke within
His rundled target: his lov'd knees to languish did begin,
And he leand, stretcht out on his shield; but Phœbus raisd him streight.
Then had they layd on wounds with swords, in use of closer fight,
Unlesse the Heralds (messengers of Gods and godlike men),
The one of Troy, the other Greece, had held betwixt them then
Imperiall scepters, when the one (Idæus grave and wise)
Said to them: ‘Now no more, my sonnes: the Soveraigne of the skies
Doth love you both: both souldiers are, all witnesse with good right.
But now night layes her mace on earth; tis good t' obey the night.’
‘Idæus,’ Telamon replide, ‘to Hector speake, not me.
He that cald all our Achive Peeres to station fight, twas he.
If he first ceasse, I gladly yeeld.’ Great Hector then began:
‘Ajax, since Jove to thy big forme made thee so strong a man
And gave thee skill to use thy strength so much that for thy speare
Thou art most excellent of Greece, now let us fight forbeare.
Hereafter we shall warre againe till Jove our Herald be,
And grace with conquest which he will: heaven yeelds to night, and we.
Go thou and comfort all thy Fleet, all friends and men of thine,
As I in Troy my favourers, who in the Fane divine
Have offerd Orisons for me. And come, let us impart
Some ensignes of our strife, to shew each other's suppled hart—
That men of Troy and Greece may say: “Thus their high quarrell ends:
Those that, encountring, were such foes, are now (being separate) friends.” ’
He gave a sword whose handle was with silver studs through driven,
Scabard and all, with hangers rich. By Telamon was given
A faire well-glossed purple waste. Thus Hector went to Troy,
And after him a multitude fild with his safetie's joy,
Despairing he could ever scape the puissant fortitude
And unimpeached Ajax' hands. The Greeks like joy renude
For their reputed victorie and brought him to the King,
Who to the great Saturnides preferd an offering.
An Oxe that fed on five faire springs they fleyd and quartred him
And then (in peeces cut) on spits they rosted every lim,
Which neatly drest, they drew it off: worke done, they fell to feast.
All had enough, but Telamon the King fed past the rest
With good large peeces of the chine. Thus, thirst and hunger staid,
Nestor (whose counsels late were best) vowes new, and first he said:
‘Atrides and my other Lords, a sort of Greeks are dead
Whose blacke bloud neare Scamander's streame inhumane Mars hath shed:
Their soules to hell descended are. It fits thee then, our King,
To make our souldiers ceasse from warre, and by the day's first spring
Let us our selves, assembled all, the bodies beare to fire,
With Mules and Oxen, neare our fleet, that when we home retire
Each man may carrie to the sonnes of fathers slaughterd here
Their honourd bones: one tombe for all for ever let us reare,
Circling the pile without the field; at which we will erect
Wals and a raveling that may safe our fleet and us protect.
And in them let us fashion gates, solid and bard about,
Through which our horse and chariots may well get in and out.
Without all, let us dig a dike, so deepe it may availe
Our forces gainst the charge of horse and foote that come t' assaile:
And thus th' attempts, that I see swell in Troy's proud heart, shall faile.’
The Kings do his advice approve. So Troy doth Court convent
At Priam's gate in th' Ilian tower, fearfull and turbulent.
Amongst all, wise Antenor spake: ‘Troyans and Dardan friends
And Peeres assistants, give good eare to what my care commends
To your consents for all our good. Resolve: let us restore
The Argive Helen, with her wealth, to him she had before.
We now defend but broken faiths. If, therefore, ye refuse,
No good event can I expect of all the warres we use.’
He ceast, and Alexander spake, husband to th' Argive Queene:
‘Antenor, to mine eares thy words harsh and ungracious beene.
Thou canst use better if thou wilt, but if these truly fit
Thy serious thoughts, the Gods, with age, have reft thy graver wit.
To war-like Troyans I will speake. I clearly do denie
To yeeld my wife, but all her wealth I'le render willingly,
What ever I from Argos brought, and vow to make it more—
Which I have readie in my house, if peace I may restore.’
Priam, sirnam'd Dardanides (godlike in counsels grave)
In his sonne's favour well advisde, this resolution gave:
‘My royall friends of every state, there is sufficient done,
For this late counsell we have cald, in th' offer of my sonne.
Now then let all take needfull food; then let the watch be set,
And everie court of guard held strong. So when the morne doth wet
The high-raisd battlements of Troy, Idæus shall be sent
To th' Argive fleet and Atreus' sonnes t' unfold my sonne's intent,
From whose fact our contention springs; and (if they will) obtaine
Respit from heate of fight, till fire consume our souldiers slaine.
And after, our most fatall warre let us importune still
Till Jove the conquest have disposd to his unconquer'd will.’
All heard and did obey the king, and (in their quarters all
That were to set the watch that night) did to their suppers fall.
Idæus in the morning went and th' Achive Peeres did find
In counsell at Atrides' ship: his audience was assignd,
And in the midst of all the kings the vocall Herald said:
‘Atrides, my renowned king and other kings his aid
Propose by me, in their commands, the offers Paris makes
(From whose joy all our woes proceed). He princely undertakes
That all the wealth be brought from Greece (would he had died before!)
He will (with other added wealth) for your amends restore.
But famous Menelaus' wife he still meanes to enjoy,
Though he be urg'd the contrarie by all the Peeres of Troy.
And this besides I have in charge, that, if it please you all,
They wish both sides may ceasse from warre, that rites of funerall
May on their bodies be performd that in the fields lie slaine,
And after, to the will of Fate, renue the fight againe.’
All silence held at first: at last Tydides made reply:
‘Let no man take the wealth, or Dame; for now a child's weake eye
May see the imminent blacke end of Priam's Emperie.’
This sentence, quicke and briefly given, the Greeks did all admire.
Then said the King: ‘Herald, thou hear'st in him the voice entire
Of all our Peeres to answer thee for that of Priam's sonne.
But, for our burning of the dead, by all meanes I am wonne
To satisfie thy king therein, without the slendrest gaine
Made of their spoiled carkasses; but freely (being slaine)
They shall be all consumd with fire—to witnesse which I cite
High-thundring Jove, that is the king of Juno's bed's delight.’
With this, he held his scepter up to all the skie-thron'd powres;
And grave Idæus did returne to sacred Ilion's towres
Where Ilians and Dardanians did still their counsels plie,
Expecting his returne. He came and told his Legacie.
All whirlewind-like assembled then; some, bodies to transport,
Some to hew trees. On th' other part, the Argives did exhort
Their souldiers to the same affaires. Then did the new-fir'd Sunne
Smite the brode fields, ascending heaven, and th' Ocean smooth did runne:
When Greece and Troy mixt in such peace, you scarce could either know.
Then washt they off their blood and dust, and did warme teares bestow
Upon the slaughterd and in Carres conveid them from the field.
Priam commanded none should mourne, but in still silence yeeld
Their honord carkasses to fire and onely grieve in heart.
All burnd, to Troy Troy's friends retire, to fleet the Grecian part.
Yet doubtfull night obscur'd the earth, the day did not appeare,
When round about the funerall pile the Grecians gatherd were.
The pile they circled with a tombe and by it raisd a wall,
High towres to guard the fleet and them; and in the midst of all
They built strong gates through which the horse and chariots passage had.
Without the rampire a brode dike, long and profound, they made,
On which they Pallesados pitcht: and thus the Grecians wrought.
Their huge workes in so little time were to perfection brought
That all Gods, by the Lightner set, the frame thereof admir'd,
Mongst whom the earthquake-making God this of their King enquir'd:
‘Father of Gods, will any man, of all earth's grassie sphere,
Aske any of the Gods' consents to any actions there,
If thou wilt see the shag-haird Greekes with headstrong labours frame
So huge a worke and not to us due offrings first enflame?
As farre as white Aurora's dewes are sprinkled through the aire,
Fame will renowne the hands of Greece for this divine affaire:
Men will forget the sacred worke the Sunne and I did raise
For king Laomedon; bright Troy and this will beare the praise.’
Jove was extremely mov'd with him, and said: ‘What words are these,
Thou mightie shaker of the earth, thou Lord of all the seas?
Some other God, of farre lesse powre, might hold conceipts dismaid
With this rare Grecian stratageme, and thou rest well apaid;
For it will glorifie thy name as farre as light extends,
Since, when these Greekes shall see againe their native soile and friends,
(The bulwarke battred) thou maist quite devoure it with thy waves
And cover (with thy fruitlesse sands) this fatall shore of graves—
That what their fierie industries have so divinely wrought
In raising it, in razing it thy powre will prove it nought.’
Thus spake the Gods among themselves: set was the fervent Sunne;
And now the great worke of the Greeks was absolutely done.
Then slue they Oxen in their tents, and strength with food reviv'd,
When out of Lemnos a great fleete of odorous wine arriv'd,
Sent by Euneus, Jason's sonne, borne of Hypsipyle.
The fleete containd a thousand tunne, which must transported be
To Atreus' sons, as he gave charge, whose merchandize it was.
The Greeks bought wine for shining steele, and some for sounding brasse,
Some for Oxe hides, for Oxen some, and some for prisoners.
A sumptuous banquet was prepar'd, and all that night the Peeres
And faire-haird Greeks consum'd in feast. So Troyans and their aide.
And all the night Jove thunderd lowd: pale feare all thoughts dismaide.
While they were gluttonous in earth, Jove wrought their banes in heaven.
They pourd full cups upon the ground and were to offrings driven
In stead of quaffings, and to drinke none durst attempt before
In solemne sacrifice they did almightie Jove adore.
Then to their rests they all repaird: bold zeale their feare bereav'd:
And sodaine sleepe's refreshing gift securely they receiv'd.
Made issue to th' insatiate field, resolv'd to fervent fight.
And as the weather-wielder sends to Sea-men prosperous gales
When with their sallow-polisht Oares, long lifted from their fals,
Their wearied armes, dissolv'd with toyle, can scarce strike one stroke more,
Like those sweet winds appear'd these Lords to Troyans tir'd before.
Then fell they to the works of death. By Paris' valour fell
King Areithous' haplesse sonne, that did in Arne dwell,
Menesthius, whose renown'd Sire a Club did ever beare
And of Phylomedusa gat (that had her eyes so cleare)
This slaughterd issue. Hector's dart strooke Eioneus dead;
Beneath his good steele caske it pierc't above his gorget-stead.
Glaucus, Hippolochus his sonne, that led the Lycian crew,
Iphinous-Dexiades with sodaine Javelin slew
As he was mounting to his horse; his shoulders tooke the speare
And ere he sate, in tumbling downe, his powres dissolved were.
When gray-eyd Pallas had perceiv'd the Greekes so fall in fight,
From high Olympus' top she stoopt and did on Ilion light.
Apollo (to encounter her) to Pergamus did flie,
From whence he (looking to the field) wisht Troyans victorie.
At Jove's broad Beech these godheads met, and first Jove's sonne objects:
‘Why, burning in contention thus, do thy extreme affects
Conduct thee from our peacefull hill? Is it to oversway
The doubtfull victorie of fight and give the Greeks the day?
Thou never pitiest perishing Troy, yet now let me perswade
That this day no more mortall wounds may either side invade.
Hereafter, till the end of Troy they shall apply the fight
Since your immortall wils resolve to overturne it quite.’
Pallas replide: ‘It likes me well; for this came I from heaven.
But to make either army ceasse, what order shall be given?’
He said: ‘We will direct the spirit that burnes in Hector's brest
To challenge any Greeke to wounds, with single powers imprest;
Which Greeks (admiring) will accept and make some one stand out
So stout a challenge to receive with a defence as stout.’
It is confirmd, and Helenus (King Priam's loved seed)
By Augurie discernd th' event that these two powres decreed,
And, greeting Hector, askt him this: ‘Wilt thou be once advisde?
I am thy brother, and thy life with mine is evenly prisde.
Command the rest of Troy and Greece to ceasse this publicke fight
And what Greeke beares the greatest mind to single strokes excite.
I promise thee that yet thy soule shall not descend to fates;
So heard I thy survivall cast by the celestiall States.’
Hector with glad allowance gave his brother's counsell eare
And (fronting both the hoasts) advanc't, just in the midst, his speare.
The Troyans instantly surceasse; the Greeks Atrides staid.
The God that beares the silver Bow and warre's triumphant Maide
On Jove's Beech like two Vultures sat, pleasd to behold both parts
Flow in to heare, so sternly arm'd with huge shields, helmes and darts.
And such fresh horror as you see driven through the wrinkled waves
By rising Zephyr, under whom the sea growes blacke and raves—
Such did the hastie gathering troupes of both hoasts make to heare;
Whose tumult settl'd, twixt them both thus spake the challenger:
‘Heare, Troyans and ye well-arm'd Greeks, what my strong mind (diffusde
Through all my spirits) commands me speake. Saturnius hath not usde
His promist favour for our truce, but (studying both our ils)
Will never ceasse till Mars, by you, his ravenous stomacke fils
With ruin'd Troy or we consume your mightie Sea-borne fleet.
Since then the Generall Peeres of Greece in reach of one voice meete,
Amongst you all whose breast includes the most impulsive mind,
Let him stand forth as combattant, by all the rest designde.
Before whom thus I call high Jove to witnesse of our strife,
If he with home-thrust iron can reach th' exposure of my life
(Spoiling my armes) let him at will convey them to his tent,
But let my body be returnd, that Troy's two-sext descent
May waste it in the funerall Pile: if I can slaughter him
(Apollo honoring me so much) I'le spoile his conquerd lim
And beare his armes to Ilion, where in Apollo's shrine
I'le hang them as my trophies due; his body I'le resigne
To be disposed by his friends in flamie funerals
And honourd with erected tombe where Hellespontus fals
Into Ægæum and doth reach even to your navall rode—
That when our beings in the earth shall hide their period,
Survivers, sailing the blacke sea, may thus his name renew:
“This is his monument whose bloud long since did fates embrew
Whom, passing farre in fortitude, illustrate Hector slew.”
This shall posteritie report, and my fame never die.’
This said, dumbe silence seiz'd them all: they shamed to denie
And fear'd to undertake. At last, did Menelaus speake,
Checkt their remisnesse and so sigh'd as if his heart would breake
‘Aye me, but onely threatning Greeks, not worthy Grecian names!
This more and more, not to be borne, makes grow our huge defames,
If Hector's honorable proofe be entertaind by none.
But you are earth and water all, which (symboliz'd in one)
Have fram'd your faint unfirie spirits! Ye sit without your harts,
Grosly inglorious! But my selfe will use acceptive darts
And arme against him, though you thinke I arme gainst too much ods;
But conquest's garlands hang aloft amongst th' immortall gods.’
He arm'd and gladly would have fought; but, Menelaus, then
By Hector's farre more strength thy soule had fled th' abodes of men,
Had not the kings of Greece stood up and thy attempt restraind—
And even the king of men himselfe that in such compasse raign'd,
Who tooke him by the bold right hand and sternly pluckt him backe:
‘Mad brother, tis no worke for thee: thou seekst thy wilfull wracke.
Containe, though it despite thee much, nor for this strife engage
Thy person with a man more strong and whom all feare t' enrage—
Yea, whom Æacides himselfe in men-renowning warre
Makes doubt t' encounter, whose huge strength surpasseth thine by farre.
Sit thou then by thy regiment: some other Greeke will rise
(Though he be dreadlesse and no warre will his desires suffice
That makes this challenge to our strength) our valours to avow;
To whom, if he can scape with life, he will be glad to bow.’
This drew his brother from his will, who yeelded, knowing it true,
And his glad souldiers tooke his armes: when Nestor did pursue
The same reproofe he set on foote, and thus supplide his turne:
‘What huge indignitie is this! how will our country mourne!
Old Peleus, that good king, will weepe, that worthy counsellor,
That trumpet of the Myrmidons, who much did aske me for
All men of name that went to Troy: with joy he did enquire
Their valour and their towardnesse, and I made him admire.
But that ye all feare Hector now, if his grave eares shall heare,
How will be lift his hands to heaven and pray that death may beare
His grieved soule into the deepe! O would to heaven's great King,
Minerva and the God of light, that now my youthfull spring
Did flourish in my willing veines as when at Pheia's towres,
About the streames of Jardanus, my gather'd Pylean powres
And dart-employed Arcadians fought neere raging Celadon!
Amongst whom first of all stood forth great Ereuthalion,
Who th' armes of Areithous wore—brave Areithous—
And (since he still fought with a club) sirnam'd Clavigerus:
All men and faire-girt Ladies both for honour cald him so.
He fought not with a keepe-off speare or with a farre-shot bow,
But with a massie club of iron he brake through armed bands;
And yet Lycurgus was his death, but not with force of hands.
With sleight (encountring in a lane where his club wanted sway)
He thrust him through his spacious waste, who fell and upwards lay,
In death not bowing his face to earth: his armes he did despoile,
Which iron Mars bestowd on him; and those in Mars his toile
Lycurgus ever after wore, but when he aged grew,
Enforc't to keepe his peacefull house, their use he did renew
On mightie Ereuthalion's lims, his souldier, loved well;
And with these Armes he challeng'd all that did in Armes excell.
All shooke and stood dismaid; none durst his adverse champion make.
Yet this same forward mind of mine of choice would undertake
To fight with all his confidence; though yongest enemie
Of all the armie we conduc't, yet I fought with him, I.
Minerva made me so renownd, and that most tall strong Peere
I slue; his big bulke lay on earth, extended here and there
As it were covetous to spread the center every where.
O that my youth were now as fresh and all my powers as sound!
Soone should bold Hector be impugn'd! Yet you that most are crownd
With fortitude of all our hoast, even you me thinkes are slow,
Not free and set on fire with lust t' encounter such a foe.’
With this, nine royall Princes rose: Atrides for the first;
Then Diomed; th' Ajaces then, that did th' encounter thirst;
King Idomen and his consort, Mars-like Meriones;
Euæmon's sonne Eurypylus; and Andræmonides,
Whom all the Grecians Thoas cald, sprong of Andræmon's blood;
And wise Ulysses—every one proposd for combat stood.
Againe Gerenius Nestor spake: ‘Let lots be drawne by all;
His hand shall helpe the wel-armd Greeks on whom the lot doth fall,
And to his wish shall he be helpt, if he escape with life
The harmfull danger-breathing fit of this adventrous strife.’
Each markt his lot and cast it in to Agamemnon's caske.
The souldiers praid, held up their hands and this of Jove did aske
(With eyes advanc't to heaven): ‘O Jove, so leade the Herald's hand,
That Ajax or great Tydeus' sonne may our wisht champion stand,
Or else the King himselfe that rules the rich Mycenian land!’
This said, old Nestor mixt the lots. The foremost lot survaid
With Ajax Telamon was sign'd, as all the souldiers praid:
One of the Heralds drew it forth, who brought and shewd it round,
Beginning at the right hand first, to all the most renownd.
None knowing it, every man denide; but when he forth did passe
To him which markt and cast it in, which famous Ajax was,
He stretcht his hand and into it the Herald put the lot,
Who (viewing it) th' inscription knew; the Duke denied not,
But joyfully acknowledg'd it, and threw it at his feet,
And said: ‘O friends, the lot is mine, which to my soule is sweet,
For now I hope my fame shall rise in noble Hector's fall.
But whilst I arme my selfe, do you on great Saturnius call,
But silently, or to your selves, that not a Troyan heare—
Or openly (if you thinke good) since none alive we feare.
None with a will, if I will not, can my bold powers affright,
At least for plaine fierce swinge of strength, or want of skill in fight;
For I will well prove that my birth and breed in Salamine
Was not all consecrate to meate or meere effects of wine.’
This said, the wel-given souldiers prayed; up went to heaven their eyne:
‘O Jove, that Ida doest protect, most happie, most divine,
Send victorie to Ajax' side; fame grace his goodly lim.
Or (if thy love blesse Hector's life and thou hast care of him)
Bestow on both like power, like fame.’ This said, in bright armes shone
The good strong Ajax, who, when all his warre attire was on,
Marcht like the hugely figur'd Mars when angry Jupiter
With strength, on people proud of strength, sends him forth to inferre
Wreakfull contention, and comes on with presence full of feare:
So th' Achive rampire, Telamon, did twixt the hoasts appeare;
Smil'd, yet of terrible aspect; on earth with ample pace
He boldly stalkt, and shooke aloft his dart with deadly grace.
It did the Grecians good to see, but heartquakes shooke the joynts
Of all the Troyans. Hector's selfe felt thoughts with horrid points
Tempt his bold bosome; but he now must make no counterflight,
Nor (with his honour) now refuse, that had provokt the fight.
Ajax came neare; and like a towre his shield his bosome bard,
The right side brasse, and seven Oxehides within it quilted hard.
Old Tychius, the best currier that did in Hyle dwell,
Did frame it for exceeding proofe, and wrought it wondrous well.
With this stood he to Hector close, and with this Brave began:
‘Now, Hector, thou shalt clearly know, thus meeting man to man,
What other leaders arme our hoast besides great Thetis' sonne,
Who with his hardie Lion's heart hath armies overrunne.
But he lies at our crookt-sternd fleet, a Rivall with our King
In height of spirit; yet to Troy he many knights did bring
Coequall with Æacides, all able to sustaine
All thy bold challenge can import. Begin, then; words are vaine.’
The Helme-grac't Hector answerd him: ‘Renowned Telamon,
Prince of the souldiers came from Greece, assay not me, like one
Yong and immartiall, with great words as to an Amazon dame.
I have the habit of all fights, and know the bloudie frame
Of every slaughter. I well know the ready right-hand charge;
I know the left, and every sway of my securefull targe.
I triumph in the crueltie of fixed combat fight,
And manage horse to all designes. I thinke then with good right
I may be confident as farre as this my challenge goes,
Without being taxed with a vaunt borne out with emptie showes.
But (being a souldier so renownd) I will not worke on thee
With least advantage of that skill I know doth strengthen me,
And so with privitie of sleight winne that for which I strive,
But at thy best (even open strength) if my endevours thrive.’
Thus sent he his long Javelin forth. It strooke his foe's huge shield
Neere to the upper skirt of brasse, which was the eighth it held.
Sixe folds th' untamed dart strooke through, and in the seventh tough hide
The point was chekt. Then Ajax threw: his angry Lance did glide
Quite through his bright orbicular targe, his curace, shirt of maile,
And did his manly stomack's mouth with dangerous taint assaile;
But in the bowing of himselfe blacke death too short did strike.
Then both to plucke their Javelins forth encountred Lion-like,
Whose bloudie violence is increast by that raw food they eate,
Or Bores, whose strength wilde nourishment doth make so wondrous great.
Againe Priamides did wound, in midst, his shield of brasse,
Yet pierc't not through the upper plate—the head reflected was;
But Ajax (following his Lance) smote through his target quite
And stayd bold Hector rushing in. The Lance held way outright
And hurt his necke: out gusht the bloud, yet Hector ceast not so
But in his strong hand tooke a Flint (as he did backwards go)
Blacke, sharpe and big, layd in the field. The sevenfold targe it smit
Full on the bosse, and round about the brasse did ring with it.
But Ajax a farre greater stone lift up and (wreathing round,
With all his bodie layd to it) he sent it forth to wound
And gave unmeasur'd force to it: the round stone broke within
His rundled target: his lov'd knees to languish did begin,
And he leand, stretcht out on his shield; but Phœbus raisd him streight.
Then had they layd on wounds with swords, in use of closer fight,
Unlesse the Heralds (messengers of Gods and godlike men),
The one of Troy, the other Greece, had held betwixt them then
Imperiall scepters, when the one (Idæus grave and wise)
Said to them: ‘Now no more, my sonnes: the Soveraigne of the skies
Doth love you both: both souldiers are, all witnesse with good right.
But now night layes her mace on earth; tis good t' obey the night.’
‘Idæus,’ Telamon replide, ‘to Hector speake, not me.
He that cald all our Achive Peeres to station fight, twas he.
If he first ceasse, I gladly yeeld.’ Great Hector then began:
‘Ajax, since Jove to thy big forme made thee so strong a man
And gave thee skill to use thy strength so much that for thy speare
Thou art most excellent of Greece, now let us fight forbeare.
Hereafter we shall warre againe till Jove our Herald be,
And grace with conquest which he will: heaven yeelds to night, and we.
Go thou and comfort all thy Fleet, all friends and men of thine,
As I in Troy my favourers, who in the Fane divine
Have offerd Orisons for me. And come, let us impart
Some ensignes of our strife, to shew each other's suppled hart—
That men of Troy and Greece may say: “Thus their high quarrell ends:
Those that, encountring, were such foes, are now (being separate) friends.” ’
He gave a sword whose handle was with silver studs through driven,
Scabard and all, with hangers rich. By Telamon was given
A faire well-glossed purple waste. Thus Hector went to Troy,
And after him a multitude fild with his safetie's joy,
Despairing he could ever scape the puissant fortitude
And unimpeached Ajax' hands. The Greeks like joy renude
For their reputed victorie and brought him to the King,
Who to the great Saturnides preferd an offering.
An Oxe that fed on five faire springs they fleyd and quartred him
And then (in peeces cut) on spits they rosted every lim,
Which neatly drest, they drew it off: worke done, they fell to feast.
All had enough, but Telamon the King fed past the rest
With good large peeces of the chine. Thus, thirst and hunger staid,
Nestor (whose counsels late were best) vowes new, and first he said:
‘Atrides and my other Lords, a sort of Greeks are dead
Whose blacke bloud neare Scamander's streame inhumane Mars hath shed:
Their soules to hell descended are. It fits thee then, our King,
To make our souldiers ceasse from warre, and by the day's first spring
Let us our selves, assembled all, the bodies beare to fire,
With Mules and Oxen, neare our fleet, that when we home retire
Each man may carrie to the sonnes of fathers slaughterd here
Their honourd bones: one tombe for all for ever let us reare,
Circling the pile without the field; at which we will erect
Wals and a raveling that may safe our fleet and us protect.
And in them let us fashion gates, solid and bard about,
Through which our horse and chariots may well get in and out.
Without all, let us dig a dike, so deepe it may availe
Our forces gainst the charge of horse and foote that come t' assaile:
And thus th' attempts, that I see swell in Troy's proud heart, shall faile.’
The Kings do his advice approve. So Troy doth Court convent
At Priam's gate in th' Ilian tower, fearfull and turbulent.
Amongst all, wise Antenor spake: ‘Troyans and Dardan friends
And Peeres assistants, give good eare to what my care commends
To your consents for all our good. Resolve: let us restore
The Argive Helen, with her wealth, to him she had before.
We now defend but broken faiths. If, therefore, ye refuse,
No good event can I expect of all the warres we use.’
He ceast, and Alexander spake, husband to th' Argive Queene:
‘Antenor, to mine eares thy words harsh and ungracious beene.
Thou canst use better if thou wilt, but if these truly fit
Thy serious thoughts, the Gods, with age, have reft thy graver wit.
To war-like Troyans I will speake. I clearly do denie
To yeeld my wife, but all her wealth I'le render willingly,
What ever I from Argos brought, and vow to make it more—
Which I have readie in my house, if peace I may restore.’
Priam, sirnam'd Dardanides (godlike in counsels grave)
In his sonne's favour well advisde, this resolution gave:
‘My royall friends of every state, there is sufficient done,
For this late counsell we have cald, in th' offer of my sonne.
Now then let all take needfull food; then let the watch be set,
And everie court of guard held strong. So when the morne doth wet
The high-raisd battlements of Troy, Idæus shall be sent
To th' Argive fleet and Atreus' sonnes t' unfold my sonne's intent,
From whose fact our contention springs; and (if they will) obtaine
Respit from heate of fight, till fire consume our souldiers slaine.
And after, our most fatall warre let us importune still
Till Jove the conquest have disposd to his unconquer'd will.’
All heard and did obey the king, and (in their quarters all
That were to set the watch that night) did to their suppers fall.
Idæus in the morning went and th' Achive Peeres did find
In counsell at Atrides' ship: his audience was assignd,
And in the midst of all the kings the vocall Herald said:
‘Atrides, my renowned king and other kings his aid
Propose by me, in their commands, the offers Paris makes
(From whose joy all our woes proceed). He princely undertakes
That all the wealth be brought from Greece (would he had died before!)
He will (with other added wealth) for your amends restore.
But famous Menelaus' wife he still meanes to enjoy,
Though he be urg'd the contrarie by all the Peeres of Troy.
And this besides I have in charge, that, if it please you all,
They wish both sides may ceasse from warre, that rites of funerall
May on their bodies be performd that in the fields lie slaine,
And after, to the will of Fate, renue the fight againe.’
All silence held at first: at last Tydides made reply:
‘Let no man take the wealth, or Dame; for now a child's weake eye
May see the imminent blacke end of Priam's Emperie.’
This sentence, quicke and briefly given, the Greeks did all admire.
Then said the King: ‘Herald, thou hear'st in him the voice entire
Of all our Peeres to answer thee for that of Priam's sonne.
But, for our burning of the dead, by all meanes I am wonne
To satisfie thy king therein, without the slendrest gaine
Made of their spoiled carkasses; but freely (being slaine)
They shall be all consumd with fire—to witnesse which I cite
High-thundring Jove, that is the king of Juno's bed's delight.’
With this, he held his scepter up to all the skie-thron'd powres;
And grave Idæus did returne to sacred Ilion's towres
Where Ilians and Dardanians did still their counsels plie,
Expecting his returne. He came and told his Legacie.
All whirlewind-like assembled then; some, bodies to transport,
Some to hew trees. On th' other part, the Argives did exhort
Their souldiers to the same affaires. Then did the new-fir'd Sunne
Smite the brode fields, ascending heaven, and th' Ocean smooth did runne:
When Greece and Troy mixt in such peace, you scarce could either know.
Then washt they off their blood and dust, and did warme teares bestow
Upon the slaughterd and in Carres conveid them from the field.
Priam commanded none should mourne, but in still silence yeeld
Their honord carkasses to fire and onely grieve in heart.
All burnd, to Troy Troy's friends retire, to fleet the Grecian part.
Yet doubtfull night obscur'd the earth, the day did not appeare,
When round about the funerall pile the Grecians gatherd were.
The pile they circled with a tombe and by it raisd a wall,
High towres to guard the fleet and them; and in the midst of all
They built strong gates through which the horse and chariots passage had.
Without the rampire a brode dike, long and profound, they made,
On which they Pallesados pitcht: and thus the Grecians wrought.
Their huge workes in so little time were to perfection brought
That all Gods, by the Lightner set, the frame thereof admir'd,
Mongst whom the earthquake-making God this of their King enquir'd:
‘Father of Gods, will any man, of all earth's grassie sphere,
Aske any of the Gods' consents to any actions there,
If thou wilt see the shag-haird Greekes with headstrong labours frame
So huge a worke and not to us due offrings first enflame?
As farre as white Aurora's dewes are sprinkled through the aire,
Fame will renowne the hands of Greece for this divine affaire:
Men will forget the sacred worke the Sunne and I did raise
For king Laomedon; bright Troy and this will beare the praise.’
Jove was extremely mov'd with him, and said: ‘What words are these,
Thou mightie shaker of the earth, thou Lord of all the seas?
Some other God, of farre lesse powre, might hold conceipts dismaid
With this rare Grecian stratageme, and thou rest well apaid;
For it will glorifie thy name as farre as light extends,
Since, when these Greekes shall see againe their native soile and friends,
(The bulwarke battred) thou maist quite devoure it with thy waves
And cover (with thy fruitlesse sands) this fatall shore of graves—
That what their fierie industries have so divinely wrought
In raising it, in razing it thy powre will prove it nought.’
Thus spake the Gods among themselves: set was the fervent Sunne;
And now the great worke of the Greeks was absolutely done.
Then slue they Oxen in their tents, and strength with food reviv'd,
When out of Lemnos a great fleete of odorous wine arriv'd,
Sent by Euneus, Jason's sonne, borne of Hypsipyle.
The fleete containd a thousand tunne, which must transported be
To Atreus' sons, as he gave charge, whose merchandize it was.
The Greeks bought wine for shining steele, and some for sounding brasse,
Some for Oxe hides, for Oxen some, and some for prisoners.
A sumptuous banquet was prepar'd, and all that night the Peeres
And faire-haird Greeks consum'd in feast. So Troyans and their aide.
And all the night Jove thunderd lowd: pale feare all thoughts dismaide.
While they were gluttonous in earth, Jove wrought their banes in heaven.
They pourd full cups upon the ground and were to offrings driven
In stead of quaffings, and to drinke none durst attempt before
In solemne sacrifice they did almightie Jove adore.
Then to their rests they all repaird: bold zeale their feare bereav'd:
And sodaine sleepe's refreshing gift securely they receiv'd.
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