Borrow and Lend
Oh! you be out o' tea then quite,
An' out o' candle vor the night;
An' must be till the flood is down,
An' you can goo ageän to town?
Well, never mind, I'll lend ye zome,
So long's I've any down at hwome;
Vor 'twould be hard if I could do
Vor your good turns noo good to you.
No! I at leäst must meäke a taït,
A spring vor spring, an' waïght vor waïght.
Since you've a-taïted me, I'll try
To lift up you when I be high.
An' don't ye mind the time when we
Wer plaÿmeätes down at Elem-lea,
An' when, in zummer, little clouds
O' smoke below the elem shrouds
Did curl blue-grey vrom our red tun
Avore the evenen's yollow zun?
How we, hard by, did pull, an' swaïl
A-drawen out the upper raïl
To balance up his heavy waïght
Athirt the middle bar, to taït?
To taïty high, wi' springen tooes,
To taïty low, wi' beatèn shoes!
Zoo now, d'ye know, a-letten you
Vall down, why, I mid tumble too!
An' out o' candle vor the night;
An' must be till the flood is down,
An' you can goo ageän to town?
Well, never mind, I'll lend ye zome,
So long's I've any down at hwome;
Vor 'twould be hard if I could do
Vor your good turns noo good to you.
No! I at leäst must meäke a taït,
A spring vor spring, an' waïght vor waïght.
Since you've a-taïted me, I'll try
To lift up you when I be high.
An' don't ye mind the time when we
Wer plaÿmeätes down at Elem-lea,
An' when, in zummer, little clouds
O' smoke below the elem shrouds
Did curl blue-grey vrom our red tun
Avore the evenen's yollow zun?
How we, hard by, did pull, an' swaïl
A-drawen out the upper raïl
To balance up his heavy waïght
Athirt the middle bar, to taït?
To taïty high, wi' springen tooes,
To taïty low, wi' beatèn shoes!
Zoo now, d'ye know, a-letten you
Vall down, why, I mid tumble too!
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