Broken Hearts

Like the music of a fountain
Which a thirsty trav'ler hears,
Speaks a voice from Calv'ry's mountain,
" I am more than all thy fears. "
Tho' thy heart is crushed and broken,
Like a storm-tossed ship at sea,
Sinking, dying, — Christ hath spoken,
" It is I, look unto me. "
Tho' thy song hath naught but sorrow,
Like a bird's whose breast is torn;
Fly to Christ, nor wait the morrow,
He hath all thy sorrows borne.
Look away beyond thy sadness,
Up to Jesus turn thy gaze;
Then thy song shall turn to gladness —
Then thy tongue shall sound his praise.

Oh, ye broken hearts, look upward!
Hear the broken hearts, angel voices calling,
Lift your eyes to Calv'ry's calling you Jesus,
Broken hearted there for you Jesus.
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