On Brooklyn Bridge.

I stood upon the slender link
That joins two cities into one,
And saw from thence the storm-clouds drink
Their moisture from the sun.

I watched their lowering, frowning edge,
Girt round with silver band,
Saw castles tall and towering ledge
Assume their forms so grand.

I saw the marshalled hosts of heaven
Join for the mighty fray,
Their ranks by tempest-winds were driven
Along their dark highway.

High in the heavens the giant forms
Of chariots, horsemen, towers stand,
Whose home is ever 'mid the storms--
When chaos reigns, most grand.

I saw the fragments of the cloud
Join with the nucleus form,
Cirrus to Nimbus quickly bowed--
Sure harbinger of storm.

These were but outward signs I saw,
Portending danger, strife, and fear,
Yet still I knew by Nature's law,
Beyond the clouds, 'twas clear.

In spite of cloud and storm and strife,
Of tempests wild, severe,
There's sunshine in our daily life,
If one true heart is near.

No battle vanquishes the true,
E'en thought of death is sweet
To him whose soul would e'er subdue
The scorpion-sting--deceit.

One trusting, true, and tender heart
Can cure a thousand ills,
Extract the poison from the dart
Of malice e'er it kills.

Oh, marshalled hosts of warring clouds!
Teach me this truth to know,
There's light beyond, though trouble shrouds
The valley here below.
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