Bruce, The - Buke Thryd

THE barownys apon this maner,
Throw Goddis grace, assemblyt wer.
The erle had mete, and that plente,
And with glaid hart it thaim gaiff he;
And thai eyt it with full gud will,
That soucht na nothyr salss thar till
Bot appetyt, that oft men takys;
For rycht weill scowryt war thair stomakys.
Thai eit and drank sic as thai had;
And till our Lord syne lowyng maid,
And thankit him, with full gud cher,
That thai war mete on that maner.
The king then at thaim speryt yarne,
How thai, sen he thaim seyne, had farne;
And thai full petwysly gan tell
Auenturis that thaim befell,
And gret anoyis, and powerte.
The king thar at had gret pite:
And tauld thaim petwisly agayne
The noy, the trawaill, and the payne,
That he had tholyt, sen he thaim saw.
Wes nane amang thaim, hey na law,
That he ne had pite and plesaunce,
Quhen that he herd mak remembrance
Off the perellys that passyt war.
Bot, quhen men oucht at liking ar,
To tell off paynys passyt by,
Plesys to heryng petuisly;
And to reherss thar auld disese,
Dois thaim oft syss confort and ese;
With thi thar to folow na blame,
Dishonour, wikytnes, na schame.

Eftyr the mete sone raiss the king,
Quhen he had lewyt hys speryng;
And buskyt him, with his mengye,
And went in hy towart the se;
Quhar Schir Nele Cambell thaim mete,
Bath with schippis, and with meyte;
Saylys, ayris, and othyr thing,
That wes spedfull to thar passyng.
Then schippyt thai, for owtyn mar;
Sum went till ster, and sum till ar,
And rowyt be the ile of But.
Men mycht se mony frely fute
About the cost, thar lukand,
As thai on ayris raiss rowand:
And newys that stalwart war and squar,
That wont to spayn gret speris war,
Swa spanyt aris, that men mycht se
Full oft the hyde leve on the tre.
For all war doand, knycht and knawe;
Wes nane that euir disport mycht have
Fra steryng, and fra rowyng,
To furthyr thaim off thair fleting.

Bot in the samyn tyme at thai
War in schippyng, as ye hard me say,
The erle off the Leuenax was,
I can nocht tell yow throw quhat cass,
Lewyt behynd with his galay,
Till the king wes fer on his way.
Quhen that thai off his cuntre
Wyst that so duelt behynd wes he,
Be se with schippys thai him soucht;
And he that saw that he wes nocht
Off pith to fecht with thai traytouris,
And that he had na ner socouris
Then the kingis flote; for thi
He sped him eftyr thaim in hy.
Bot the tratouris hym folowyt sua,
That thai weill ner hym gan our ta.
For all the mycht that he mycht do,
Ay ner, and ner, thai come him to.
And quhen he saw thai war sa ner
That he mycht weill thar manance her,
And saw thaim ner and ner cum ay,
Then till his mengye gan he say;
" Bot giff we fynd sum sutelte,
" Ourtane all sone sall we be.
" Tharfor I rede, but mar letting,
" That, owtakyn our armyng,
" We kast our thing all in the se:
" And fra our schip swa lychtyt be,
" We sall swa row, and speid ws sua,
" That we sall weill eschaip thaim fra;
" With that thai sall mak duelling
" Apon the se, to tak our thing;
" And we sall row but resting ay,
" Till we eschapyt be away. "
As he diuisyt thai have done;
And thar schip thai lychtyt sone:
And rowyt syne, with all thar mycht;
And scho, that swa wes maid lycht,
Raykyt slidand throw the se.
And quhen thar fayis gan thaim se
Forowth thaim alwayis, mar and mar,
The thingis that thar fletand war
Thai tuk; and turnyt syne agayne,
And be that thai lesyt all thair payne.

Quhen that the erle on this maner,
And hys mengye, eschapyt wer,
Eftyr the king he gan hym hy,
That then, with all his cumpany,
In to Kyntyr arywyt was.
The erle tauld him all his cass;
How he wes chasyt on the se,
With thaim that suld his awyn be;
And how he had bene taen but dout,
Na war it that he warpyt owt
All that he had, him lycht to ma;
And swa eschapyt thaim fra.
" Schyr erle, " said the king, " perfay,
" Syn thow eschapyt is away,
" Off the tynsell is na plenyeing.
" Bot I will say the weile a thing;
" That thar will fall the gret foly
" To pass oft fra my cumpany.
" For fele syss, quhen thow art away,
" Thow art set in till hard assay.
" Tharfor me thynk [it] best to the
" To hald the alwayis ner by me. "
" Schyr, said the erle, " it sall be swa.
" I sall na wiss pass fer yow fra,
" Till God giff grace we be of mycht
" Agayne our fayis to hald our flycht."

And Anguss off Ile that tyme wes syr.
And lord and ledar off Kyntyr.
The king rycht weill resawyt he;
And wndretuk his man to be:
And him and his, on mony wyss,
He abandownyt till his serwice.
And, for mar sekyrness, gaiff him syne
Hys castell off Donavardyne,
To duell tharin, at his liking.
Full gretumly thankyt him the king;
And resawyt his seruice.
Nocht forthi, on mony wyss,
He wes dredand for tresoun ay:
And tharfor, as Ik hard men say,
He traistyt in nane sekyrly,
Till that he knew him wtrely.
Bot quhat kyn dred, that euir he had,
Fayr countenance to thaim he mad.
And in Donavardyne dayis thre,
For owtyne mar, then duellyt he.
Syne gert he his mengye mak thaim yar,
Towart Rauchryne, be se to far.
That is ane ile in the se;
And may weill in mydwatter be
Betuix Kyntyr and Irland:
Quhar als gret stremys ar rynnand,
And als peralous, and mar,
Till our saile thaim in to schipfair,
As is the raiss off Bretangye,
Or strait off Marrock in to Spanye.

Thair schippys to the se thai set;
And maid redy, but langer let,
Ankyrs, rapys, bath saile and ar,
And all that nedyt to schipfar.
Quhen thai war boune, to saile thai went:
The wynd wes wele to thair talent.
Thai raysyt saile, and furth thai far;
And by the mole thai passyt yar,
And entryt sone in to the rase,
Quhar that the stremys sa sturdy was,
That wawys wyd wycht brekand war,
Weltryt as hillys her and thar.
The schippys our the wawys slayd,
For wynd at poynt blawand thai had.
Bot nocht for thi quha had thar bene,
A gret stertling he mycht haiff seyne
Off schippys. For quhilum sum wald be
Rycht on the wawys, as on mounte;
And sum wald slyd fra heycht to law,
Rycht as thai doune till hell wald draw;
Syne on the waw stert sodanly.
And othyr schippis, that war thar by,
Deliuerly drew to the depe.
It wes gret cunnannes to kep
Thar takill in till sic a thrang,
And wyth sic wawis; for, ay amang,
The wawys reft thair sycht of land.
Quhen thai the land wes rycht ner hand,
And quhen schippys war sailand ner,
The se wald ryss on sic maner,
That off the wawys the weltrand hycht
Wald refe thaim oft off thair sycht.

Bot in to Rauchryne, nocht forthi,
Thai arywyt ilkane sawffly
Blyth, and glaid, that thai war sua
Eschapyt thai hidwyss wawis fra.
In Rauchryne thai arywyt ar;
And to the land thai went but mar,
Armyt upon thair best maner.
Quhen the folk, that thar wonnand wer,
Saw men off armys in thair cuntre
Aryve in to sic quantite,
Thai fled in hy, with thar catell.
Towart a rycht stalwart castell,
That in the land wes ner thar by.
Men mycht her wemen hely cry,
And fle with cataill her and thar.
Bot the kingis folk, that war
Deliuer off fute, thaim gan our hy;
And thaim arestyt hastely,
And broucht thaim to the king agayne,
Swa that nane off thaim all wes slayne.
Then with thaim tretyt swa the king,
That thai, to fullfill hys yarnyng,
Become his men euirilkane:
And has him trewly wndretane
That thai and thairis, loud and still,
Suld be in all thing at his will:
And, quhill him likit thar to leynd,
Euirilk day thai suld him seynd
Wictalis for thre hundyr men:
And thai as lord suld him ken;
Bot at thar possessioune suld be,
For all his men thair awyn fre.

The cunnand on this wyss was maid.
And on the morn, but langer baid,
Off all Rauchryne bath man and page
Knelyt, and maid the king homage;
And tharwith swour him fewte,
To serve him ay in lawte:
And held him rycht weill cunnand.
For quhill he duelt in to the land,
Thai fand meit till his cumpany;
And serwyt him full humely.

In Rauchryne leve we now the king
In rest, for owtyn barganyng;
And off his fayis a quhile spek we,
That, throw thar mycht and thar powste,
Maid sic a persecucioune,
Sa hard, sa strayt, and sa feloune,
On thaim that till hym luffand wer,
Or kyn, or freynd on ony maner;
That it till her is gret pite.
For thai sparyt, off na degre,
Thaim that thai trowit his freynd wer,
Nothyr off the kyrk, na seculer.
For off Glaskow byschop Robert,
And Makus off Man thai stythly sparyt,
Bath in fetrys and in presoune.
And worthy Crystoll off Seytoun
In to London betresyt was,
Throw a discipill off Judas,
Maknab, a fals tratour, that ay
Wes off his duelling, nycht and day;
Quhom to he maid gud cumpany.
It wes fer wer than tratoury
For to betreyss sic a persoune,
So nobill, and off sic renoune.
Bot thar off had he na pite:
In hell condampnyt mot he be!
For quhen he him betresyt had.
The Ingliss men rycht with him rad
In hy, in Ingland to the king,
That gert draw hym, and hede, and hing,
For owtyn pete, or mercy.
It wes gret sorow sekyrly,
That so worthy persoune as he
Suld on sic maner haugyt be.
Thusgate endyt his worthynes.
And off Crauford als Schyr Ranald wes,
And Schyr Bruce als the Blar,
Hangyt in till a berne in Ar.

The queyn, and als dame Mariory,
Hyr dochtyr, that syne worthily
Wes coupillyt in to Goddis band
With Walter, stewart off Scotland;
That wald on na wyss langar ly
In castell off Kyldromy,
To byd a sege, ar ridin raith
With knychtis and squyeris bath,
Throw Ross, rycht to the gyrth off Tayne.
Bot that trawaill thai maid in wayne.
For thai off Ross, that wald nocht ber
For thaim na blayme, na yeit danger,
Owt off the gyrth hame all has tayne;
And syne [has send] thaim euirilkane
Rycht in till Ingland, to the king,
That gert draw all the men, and hing;
And put the ladyis in presoune,
Sum in till castell, sum in dongeoun.
It wes gret pite for till her
The folk be troublyt on this maner.

That tyme wes in Kyldromy,
With men, that wycht war and hardy,
Schyr Neile the Bruce: and I wate weile
That thar the erle wes off Adheill,
In the castell, weill wictalyt ay,
And mete and fuell gan puruay;
And enforcyt the castell sua,
That thaim thocht na strenth mycht it ta.
And when it to the king wes tauld
Off Ingland, how thai schup till hauld
That castell, he wes all angry;
And callyt his sone till hym in hy,
The eldest and aperand ayr,
A young bacheler, and stark, and fayr,
Schyr Eduuard callyt off Carnauerane,
That wes the sterkast man off ane,
That men mycht [se] in ony cuntre;
Prynce off Walys that tyme wes he.
And he gert als call erlys twa,
Glosystyr and Harfurd war tha;
And bad thaim wend in to Scotland,
And set a sege, with stalwart hand,
To the castell of Kildromy,
And all the halderis halyly
He bad distroy, for owtyn ransoun,
Or bryng thaim till him in presoune.

Quhen thai the cummaundment had tane,
Thai assemblyt ane ost onane,
And to the castell went in hy;
And it assegyt wigorusly:
And mony tyme full hard assaylyt;
Bot for to tak it yeit thai failyt.
For thai with in war rycht worthy,
And thaim defendyt douchtely;
And ruschyt thair fayis ost agayne;
Sum best, sum woundyt, sum als slayne.
And mony tymys ische thai wald,
And bargane at the barraiss hald;
And wound thair fayis oft and sla.
Schortly thai thaim contenyt swa,
That thai with oute disparyt war,
And thoucht till Ingland for to far;
For thai sa styth saw the castell,
And with that it wes warnyst weill;
And saw the men defend thaim swa.
That thai nane hop had thaim to ta.

Nane had thai done all that sesoune,
Gyff it ne had bene fals tresoun.
For thar with thaim wes a tratour.
A fals lourdane, a losyngeour,
Hosbarne to name, maid the tresoun,
I wate nocht for quhat enchesoun;
Na quham with he maid that conwyn:
Bot as thai said, that war within,
He tuk a cultir hate glowand,
That yeit wes in a fyr brynnand,
And went him to the mekill hall,
That then with corn wes fyllyt all;
And heych wp in a mow it did,
Bot it full lang wes nocht thar hid.
For men sayis oft that fyr, na prid,
But discouering may na man hid.
For the pomp oft the prid furth schawis,
Or ellis the gret boist that it blawis.
Na mar may na man [fyr] sa cowyr,
Than low or rek sall it discowyr.
So fell it her, for fyr all cler
Sone throw the thak burd gan apper,
Fyrst as a sterne, syne as a mone,
And weill bradder thareftir sone,
The fyr owt syne in blesis brast;
And the rek raiss rycht wondre fast.
The fyr our all the castell spred,
That mycht na force off man it red.
Than thai with in drew to the wall,
That at that tyme wes bataillit all
With in, rycht at it wes with oute.
That bataillyne, with owtyn dout,
Sawyt thair lywys, for it brak
Blesis that thaim wald our tak.
And quhen thair fayis the myscheiff saw,
Till armys went thai in a thraw;
And assaylyt the castell fast,
Quhar thai durst come for fyris blast.
Bot thai with in [that] mystir had,
Sa gret defence, and worthy mad,
That thai full oft thair fayis ruflyt,
For thai nakyn perall refusyt.
Thai trawaillyt for to sauff thair lyffis:
Bot werd, that till the end ay drywis
The warldis thingis, sua thaim trawaillyt,
That thai on twa halfys war assailyt.
In with fyr, that thaim swa broilyit:
And wtouth with folk, that thaim swa toilyit,
That thai brynt magre thaim the yat,
That for the fyre, that wes swa hate,
Thai durst nocht entyr swa in hy.
Tharfor thar folk thai gan rely,
And went to rest, for it wes nycht;
Till on the morn, that day wes lycht.

At sik myscheiff, as ye her say,
War thai with in; the quethyr ay
Thai thaim defendyt dowchtely,
And contenyt thaim sa manlily,
That or day, throw mekill payn,
Thai had muryt wp thair yat agayn.
Bot on the morn, quhen day wes lycht,
And sone wes ryssyn, schynand brycht,
Thai with owt in hale bataill,
Come purwayt, redy till assaill.
Bot thai with in, that swa war stad,
That thai wictaill, na fewell had,
Quhar with thai mycht the castell hald,
Tretyt fyrst, and syne thaim yauld
To be in till the kingis will.
Bot that ay to Scottis men wes ill;
As sone eftyr weill wes knawm,
For thai war hangyt all and drawyn.

Quhen this cunnand thus tretyt wes.
And affermyt with sekyrnes,
Thai tuk thaim off the castell sone.
And in till schort tyme has done,
That all a quartir off Snawdoun,
Rycht till the erd, thai tummyllyt doun.
Syne towart Ingland went thair way.
Bot quhen the king Eduuard hard say
How Neill the Bruce held Kildromy
Agayne his sone sa stalwartly;
He gaderyt gret chewalry,
And towart Scotland went in hy.

And as in till Northummyrland
He wes, with his gret rowt, ridand,
A seknes tuk him in the way;
And put him to sa hard assay,
That he mycht nocht ga na ryd.
Him worthit, magre his, abid
In till an hamillet thar by,
A litill toun, and wnworthy.
With gret payne thiddir thai him broucht;
He wes sa stad, that he ne mocht
Hys aynd bot with gret paynys draw;
Na spek bot giff it war weill law.
The quhethir he bad thai suld him say
Quhat toun wes that, that he in lay.
" Schyr, " thai said, " Burch in the Sand
" Men callis this toun, in till this land. "
" Call thai it Burch? Alas!" said he,
" My hop is now fordone to me.
" For I wend neuir to thoile the payne
" Off deid, till I, throw mekill mayn,
" The Burch off Jerusalem had tane;
" My lyff wend I thar suld be gayne.
" In Burch I wyst weill I suld de:
" Bot I was nothir wyss, na sle,
" Till othyr Burch kep to ta.
" Now may I na wiss forthyr ga.
Thus pleynyeit he off his foly;
As he had mater sekyrly,
Quhen he cowyt certante
Off that at nane may certan be.

The quhethir, men said he chesyt had
A spyryt, that him ansuer maid
Off thingis that he wald inquer.
Bot he fulyt, for owtyn wer,
That gaiff throuch till that creatur.
For feyndys ar off sic natur,
That thai to mankind has inwy;
For thai wate weill, and witterly,
That thai that weill ar liffand her,
Sall wyn the sege, quharoff thai wer
Tumblyt throuch thair mekill prid.
Quhar throw oft tymys will betid,
That quhen feyndys distrenyeit ar
For till aper, and mak answar,
Throw force off coniuracioun,
That thai sa fals ar and feloun,
That thai mak ay thair ansuering,
In to dowbill wndirstanding,
To dissaiff thaim, that will thaim trow.
In sample will I set her now
Off a wer, as I herd tell,
Betuix Fraunce and the Flemyngis fell.

The erle Ferandis modyr was
Nygramansour; and Sathanas
Scho rasyt; and him askyt syne,
Quhat suld worth off the fechtyn
Betuix the Fraunce king and hyr sone
And he, as all tyme he wes wone,
In to dissayt maid his ansuer;
And said till hyr thir thre werss her.
Rex ruet in bello, tumulique carebit honore,
Ferrandus, comitissa, tuus, mea cara Minerua,
Parisios veniet, magna comitante caterua.
This wes the spek he maid, perfay;
And is in Inglis toung to say;
" The king sall fall in the fechting,
" And sall faile honour off erding;
" And thy Ferand, Mynerve my der,
" Sall rycht to Paryss went, but wer;
" Folowand him gret cumpany
" Off nobill men, and off worthy. "
This is the sentence off this saw,
That the Latyn gan hyr schaw.
He callyt hyr his Minerwe;
For Minerwe ay wes wont serwe
Him, till scho lessyt at his diuyss.
And for scho maid the samyn seruice,
His Minerwe hyr callyt he:
And als, throw his sutelte,
He callyt hyr der, hyr till dissaiff,
That scho the tyttar suld consaiff
Off his spek the wndyrstanding,
That mast plesyt till hyr liking.

This dowbill spek sua hyr dissawyt,
That throw hyr foly the ded ressawit;
For scho wes off hyr ansuer blyth,
And till hyr sone scho tauld it swyth;
And bad him till the batell sped,
For he suld wictory haiff but dred.
And he, that herd hyr sermonyng,
Sped him in hy to the fechting;
Quhar he discomfyt wes, and schent;
And takin, and to Pariss sent.
Bot in the fechting nocht forthi
The king, throw his chewalry,
Wes laid at the erd; and lawit bath;
Bot his men helpyt him weill rath.
And quhen Ferandis modyr herd
How hyr sone in the bataill ferd;
And at he swa wes discomfyt;
Scho rasyt the ill spyryt als tyt:
And askyt quhy he gabyt had
Off the ansuer that he hyr mad.
And he said he had said suth all;
" I said the, that the king suld fall
" In the battaill, and say did he;
" And failyeid erding, as men may se.
" And I said that thi sone suld ga
" To Pariss, and he did richt swa;
" Folowand sic a mengye,
" That neuir, in his lyff tyme, he
" Had sic a mengye in leding.
" Now seis thow I maid na gabbing. "
The wyff confusyt wes perfay;
And durst no mar than till him say.

Thusgat, throw dowbill wndyrstanding,
That bargane come till sic ending,
That the ta part dissawyt was.
Rycht sagat fell yt in this cass:
At Jerusalem trowyt he
Grawyn in the Burch to be;
The quethyr at Burch in to the Sand
He swelt rycht in his awn land.
And quhen he to the dede wes ner,
The folk, that at Kyldromy wer,
Come with prisoneris that thai had tane.
And syne to the king ar gane.
And for to confort him thai tauld
How thai the castell to thaim yauld;
And how thai till his will war broucht,
To do off that quhat euir he thoucht;
And askyt quhat men suld off thaim do.
Then lukyt he angyrly thaim to,
And said grynnand, " Hyngis and drawys. "
That wes wondir of sic sawis;
That he, that to the dede wes ner,
Suld ansuer apon sic maner,
For owtyn menyng and mercy,
How mycht he traist on hym to cry,
That suthfastly demys all thing
To haiff mercy for his criyng,
Off him that, throw his felony,
In to sic poynt had na mercy?
His men his maundment has done:
And he deyt thareftir sone;
And syne wes broucht till berynes.
His sone syne king eftir wes.

To the king Robert agayne ga we,
That in Rauchryne, with his menye,
Lay till wyntir ner wes gane;
And off that ile his mete has tane.
James off Douglas wes angry
That thai langer suld ydill ly;
And to Schyr Robert Boid said he;
" The pure folk off thys countre
" Ar chargit apon gret maner
" Off ws, that idill lyis her.
" And Ik her say, that in Arane,
" In till a styth castell off stane,
" Ar Ingliss men, that with strang hand
" Haldys the lordschip off the land.
" Ga we thiddyr; and weill may fall,
" Anoy thaim in sum thing we sall. "
Schir Robert said; " I grant thar till.
" Till her mar ly war litill skill:
" Tharfor till Aran pass will we,
" For I knaw rycht weill the countre,
" And the castell rycht swa knaw I.
" We sall come thar sa priwely,
" That thai sall haiff na persawyng,
" Na yeit witting off our cummyng.
" And we sall ner enbuschyt be,
" Quhar we thar outecome may se.
" Sa sall it on [na] maner fall,
" Na scaith thaim on sum wiss we sall."

With that thai buskyt thaim onane:
And at the king thair leiff has tane,
And went thaim furth syne on thair way.
In to Kyntyr sone cummyn ar thai:
Syne rowyt alwayis by the land,
Till that the nycht wes ner on hand;
Than till Arane thai went thar way,
And saufly thar arywyt thai.
And in a glen thair galay drewch,
And syne it helyt weill inewch;
Thar takyll, ayris, and thar ster,
Thai hyde all on the samyn maner:
And held thair way rycht in the nycht,
Swa that or day wes dawyn lycht,
Thai war enbuschyt the castell ner,
Armyt apon thair best maner.
And thoucht thai wate war, and wery,
And for lang fastyng all hungry,
Thai thocht to hald thaim all priwe,
Till that thai weill thar poynt mycht se.

Schir John the Hastingis, at that tid,
With knychtis off full mekill prid,
And squyeris, and yemanry,
And that a weill gret cumpany,
Wes in the castell off Brathwik.
And oftsyss, quhen it wald him lik
He went till huntyng with his men
And swa the land abandownyt he,
That durst nane warne to do his will.
He wes in to the castell still,
The tyme that James off Douglas,
As Ik haiff tauld, enbuschit was.

Sa hapnyt that tyme, throw chance,
That with wictalis and purwyaunce,
And with clething, and with armyng,
The day befor, in the ewynnyng,
The wndyr wardane ariuyt was,
With thre batis, weill ner the place
Quhar that the folk I spak off ar
Priuely enbuschyt war.
Syne fra the batis saw thai ga
Off Inglis men thretty and ma,
Chargit all with syndry thingis.
Sum bar wyne, and sum armyngis:
The remanant all chargit wer
With thingis off syndry maner:
And othyr syndry yeid thaim by,
As thai war maistrys, ydilly.
Thai that enbuschyt war, that saw
All for owtyn dreid or aw,
Thar enbuschyt on thaim thai brak;
And slew all that thai mycht ourtak.
The cry raiss hidwysly, and hey:
For thai, that dredand war to dey,
Rycht as bestis gan rar and cry.
Thai slew thaim for owtyn mercy;
Swa that, in to the samyne sted,
Weill ner forty thar war dede.

Quhen thai, that in the castell war,
Hard the folk sa cry and rar,
Thai ischyt furth to the fechting.
Bot quhen the Dowglas saw thair cummyng,
His men till him he gan rely;
And went till meit thaim hastily.
And quhen thai off the castell saw
Him cum on thaim for owtin aw,
Thai fled for owtyne mar debate.
And thai thaim folowit to the yate;
And slew off thaim, as thai in past.
Bot thai thair yate barryt fast,
That thai mycht do at thaim na mar:
Tharfor thai left thaim ilkane thar,
And turnyt to the se agayne,
Quhar that the men war forowth slayn.
And quhen thai, that war in the batiss,
Saw thair cummyng; and wyst howgatis
Thai had discumfyt thair menye;
In hy thai put thaim to the se,
And rowyt fast with all thair mayne.
Bot the wynd wes thaim agayne,
That swa hey gert the land-bryst ryss.
That thai moucht weld the se na wiss.
Then thai durst nocht cum to the land,
Bot hald thaim thar sa lang hobland,
That off the thre batis drownyt twa.
And quhen Dowglas saw it wes swa,
He tuk armyng, and cleything,
Wictalis, wyne, and othyr thing,
That thai fand thar; and held thair way
Rycht glaid and joyfull off thair pray.

Quhen this James off Douglas,
And hys menye, throw Goddis grace,
War relewyt with armyng,
And with wictaill, and clething,
Syne till a strenth thai held thair way;
And thaim full manly governyt ay;
Till on the tend day, that the king,
With all that war in his leding,
Arywyt in to that countre.
With thretty small galayis and thre.
The king arywyt in Arane;
And syne to the land is gane,
And in a toune tuk his herbery:
And speryt syne speceally,
Gyff ony man couth tell tithand
Off ony strang men in that land.
" Yhis, " said a woman, " Schyr, perfay,
" Off strang men I kan yow say,
" That ar cummyn in this countre,
" And schort quhile syne, throw thair bounte,
" Thai haff discomfyt our wardane,
" And mony off his men has slane.
" And till a stalwart place herby
" Reparis all thair cumpany. "
" Dame," said the king, " wald thow me wiss
" To that place quhar thair repair is,
" I sall reward the but lesing:
" For thai ar all off my duelling;
" And I rycht blythly wald them se,
" And swa trow I, that thai wald me."
" Yhis, " said scho, " Schyr, I will blythly
" Ga with yow and your cumpany,
" Till that I schaw yow thair repair. "
" That is inewch, my systir fayr;
" Now ga we forthwart," said the king.
Than went thai furth but mar letting,
Folowand her as scho thaim led;
Till at the last scho schawyt a sted
To the king in a wode glen,
And said; " Schyr, her I saw the men,
" That yhe sper eftir, mak logyng:
" Her I trow be thair reparyng. "

The king then blew his horn in hy;
And gert the men, that wer him by,
Hald thaim still, and all priwe;
And syne agayn his horn blew he.
James off Dowglas herd him blaw,
And at the last alsone gan knaw;
And said; " Sothly yon is the king:
" I knaw lang quhill syne his blawyng. "
The thrid tym thar with all he blew,
And then Schyr Robert Boid it knew;
And said; " Yone is the king but dreid;
" Ga we furth till him bettir speid. "
Than went thai till the king in hy,
And him inclynyt curtasly;
And blythly welcummyt thaim the king,
And wes joyfull of thair meting,
And kissit thaim; and speryt syne
How thai had farne in thair huntyn.
And thai him tauld all but lesing:
Syne lowyt thai God off thair meting.
Syne with the king till his herbery
Went bath joyfull and joly.

The king apon the tothyr day
Gan till his priwe menye say;
" Ye knaw all weill, and ye may se,
" How we ar owt off our cuntre
" Banyst, throw Ingliss mennys mycht.
" And that, that suld be owris off rycht.
" Throw thar maistrys thai occupy;
" And wald alsua, for owtyne mercy,
" Giff thai haid mycht, distroy ws all.
" Bot God forbeid it suld sa fall
" Till ws, as thai mak manassyng!
" For than war thar na recoweryng.
" And mankind biddis ws that we
" To procur wengeance besy be.
" For ye may se we haiff thre thingis
" That makis us oft monestingis
" For to be worthi, wiss, and wycht,
" And till anoy thaim at our mycht.
" Ane is our lyffis sawfte,
" That on na wyss suld sawft be,
" Gyff thai had ws at thair liking.
" The tothyr that makys ws eggyng,
" Is that thai our possessioune
" Haldis strenthly, agayn resoun.
" The thrid is the joy that we abid,
" Giff that it happyn, as weill may tid,
" That we wyn wictour, and maistry
" Till our cum thair felony.
" Tharfor we suld our hartis raiss,
" Swa that na myscheyff ws abaiss;
" And schaip alwayis to that ending
" That beris in it mensk and lowing.
" And tharfor, lordingis, gyff ye se
" Amang yow, giff that it speidfull be,
" I will send a man in Carrik.
" To spy and sper our kynrik,
" How it is led, and freynd and fa.
" And giff he seis we land may ta,
" On Turnberys snuke he may
" Mak a fyr, on a certane day,
" That mak takynnyng till ws, that we
" May thar aryve in sawfte.
" And giff he seis we may nocht swa;
" Luk on na wyss the fyr he ma.
" Swa may we thar throw haiff wittring
" Off our passage, or our duelling. "

To this spek all assentyt ar.
And than the king, with outyn mar,
Callyt ane, that wes him priwe,
And off Carrik his countre:
And chargyt him, in les and mar,
As ye hard me diuiss it ar;
And set him certane day to mai
The fyr, giff he saw it war swai
That thai had possibilite
To maynteyme the wer in that cuntre.
And he, that wes rycht weill in will
His lordis yharnyng to fullfill,
As he that worthy wes and leile,
And couth rycht weill secreis conseill,
Sad, he wes boune in till all thing
For to fullfill his commaunding:
And said he suld do sa wisely,
That na repruff suld eftir ly.
Syne at the king his leiff has tane;
And furth apon his way is gane.

Now gais the messynger his way,
That hat Cutbert, as I herd say.
In Carrik sone arywyt he,
And passyt throw all the countre.
Bot he fand few tharin, perfay,
That gud wald off his maister say.
For fele of thaim durst nocht for dreid;
And othyr sum rycht in to deid
War fayis to the nobill king,
That rewyt syne thair barganyng.
Baith hey and law, the land wes then
All occupyit with Ingliss men;
That dispytyt, atour all thing,
Robert the Bruce the douchty king.
Carrik wes giffyn then halyly
To Schyr Henry lord the Persy;
That in Turnberyis castell then
Was, with weill ner thre hundyr men;
And dawntyt sagat all the land,
That all wes till him obeysand.
This Cutbert saw thair felony;
And saw the folk sa halely
Be worthyn Ingliss, baith rich and pur,
That he to nane durst him discur.
Bot thoucht to leve the fyr wnmaid:
Syne till his maister went but baid,
And all thair conwyne till hym gan tell,
That wes sa angry and sa fell.

The king, that in till Arane lay,
Quhen that cummyn wes the day,
That he set till his messinger,
As Ik diuisyt yow lang er,
Eftyr the fyr he lokyt fast.
And, als sone as the none wes past,
Him thoucht weill he saw a fyr,
Be Turnbery byrnand weill schyr;
And till his menye it gan schaw:
Ilk man thoucht weill that he it saw.
Then with blyth hart the folk gan cry;
" Gud king, speid yow deliuerly;
" Swa that we sone in the ewynnyng
" Aryve, for owtyn persaywing. "
" I grant," said he, " now mak yow yar.
" God furthyr ws in till our far!"

Then in schort time men mycht thaim se
Schute all thair galayis to the se,
And ber to se baith ayr and ster,
And othyr thingis that mystir wer.
And as the king apon the sand
Wes gangand wp and doun, bidand
Till that his menye redy war,
His ost come rycht till him thar.
And quhen that scho him halyst had,
A priwe spek till him scho made;
And said, " Takis gud kep till my saw:
" For or ye pass I sall yow schaw
" Off your fortoun a gret party.
" Bot our all speceally
" A wyttring her I sall yow ma,
" Quhat end that your purposs sall ta.
" For in this land is nane trewly
" Wate thingis to cum sa weill as I.
" Ye pass now furth on your wiage,
" To wenge the harme, and the owtrag,
" That Ingliss men has to yow done;
" Bot ye wat nocht quhatkyne forton
" Ye mon drey in your werraying.
" Bot wyt ye weill, with outyn lesing,
" That fra ye now haiff takyn land,
" Nane sa mychty, na sa strenththi of hand,
" Sall ger yow pass owt of your countre
" Till all to yow abandownyt be.
" With in schort tyme ye sall be king,
" And haiff the land at your liking,
" And ourcum your fayis all.
" Bot fele anoyis thole ye sall,
" Or that your purposs end haiff tane:
" Bot ye sall thaim ourdryve ilkane.
" And, that ye trow this sekyrly,
" My twa sonnys with yow sall I
" Send to tak part of your trawaill;
" For I wate weill thai sall nocht faill
" To be rewardyt weill at rycht,
" Quhen ye ar heyit to yowr mycht. "

The king, that herd all hyr carping,
Thankit hyr in mekill thing;
For scho confort him sumdeill.
The quhethir he trowyt nocht full weill
Hyr spek, for he had gret ferly
How scho suld wyt it sekyrly:
As it was wondirfull perfay
How ony mannys science may
Knaw thingis that ar to cum
Determynabilly, all or sum;
Bot giff that he inspyrit war
Off him, that all thing euirmar
Seyis in his presciens,
As it war ay in presens:
As wes Dauid, and Jeremy,
Samuell, Joell, and Ysai;
That at, throw his haly grace, gan tell
Fele thingis that eftyr fell.
Bot the prophetis sa thyn ar sawyn,
That nane in erd now is knawin.
Bot fele folk ar sa curyouss,
And to wyt thingis cowatouss,
That thai, throw thar gret clergy,
Or ellys throw thar dewilry,
On thir twa maneris makis fanding
Off thingis to cum to haiff knawing.
Ane off thaim is astrologi,
Quhar clerkys, that ar witty,
May knaw conjunctions off planetis,
And quhethir that thar courss thaim settis
In soft segis, or in angry;
And off the hewyn all halyly
How that the dispositioun
Suld apon thingis wyrk her doun,
On regiones, or on climatis,
That wyrkys nocht ay quhar agatis,
Bot sum quhar less, and sum quhar mar,
Eftyr as thair bemys strekyt ar,
Othir all ewyn, or on wry.
Bot me think it war gud maistry
Till ony astrolog to say
This sall fall her, and on this day.
For thoucht a man his lyff haly
Studyit swa in astrology,
That on sternys his hewid he brak,
The wyss man sayis he suld nocht mak
All hys lyff certane dayis thre;
And yeit suld he ay doute quhill he
Saw how that it come till ending.
Than is that na certane demyng.
Or gyff thai men, that will study
In the craft off astrology,
Knaw all mennys nacioun,
And knew the constellacioun
That kyndlik maneris gyfis thaim till,
For till inclyne to gud or ill;
How that thai throw science of clergi,
Or throw slycht off astrology,
Couth tell quhatkyn perell apperis
To thaim that haldys kyndlik maneris;
I trow that thai suld faile to say
The thingis that thaim happyn may.
For quhethir sa men inclynyt be
To vertu, or to mawyte,
He may rycht weill refreynye his will,
Othir throw nurtur, or throw skill;
And to the contrar turne him all.
And men has mony tyme sene fall,
That men, kyndly till iwill gewyn,
Throw thar gret wit away has drewyn
Thar ill; and worthin off gret renoun,
Magre the constellacioun.
As Arestotill, giff, as men redis,
He had folowyt his kindly dedis,
He had bene fals and cowatouss;
Bot his wyt maid him vertuouss.
And sen men may on this kyn wyss
Wyrk agayne that courss, that is
Pryncipaill causs off thair demyng,
Me think thair doyme na certane thing.

Nygromancy the tothyr is,
That kennys men on syndry wyss,
Throw stalwart conjuracionys,
And throw exorcizacionys,
To ger spyritis to thaim apper,
And giff ansueris on ser maner.
As quhylum did the Phitones,
That quhen Saul abaysyt wes
Off the Felystynys mycht,
Raysyt, throw hyr mekill slycht,
Samuelis spyrite als tite,
Or in his sted the iwill spyrite,
That gaiff rycht graith ansuer hyr to.
Bot off hyr selff rycht nocht wyst scho.
And man is in to dreding ay
Off thingis that he has herd say,
Namly off thingis to cum, quhill he
Knaw off the end the certante.
And sen thai ar in sic wenyng,
For owtyne certante off witting;
Me think, quha sayis he knawis thingis
To cum, he makys gret gabingis.
Bot quhethir scho that tauld the king
How his purposs suld tak ending,
Wenyt, or wyst it witterly;
It fell eftyr all halyly
As scho said: for syne king wes he;
And off full mekill renomme.
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