Of Brunus His Smoothenesse

B RUNUS his beard is smooth, and smooth his face;
His tongue is smooth and smooth his lookes and grace;
His hat's as smooth as smoothed beauer hat;
The band is smooth, for satten smooth is that;
His hose and doublet smoother then a dye;
For they plane satten are or laffatie.
His bootes are smooth; for his man (as they say)
To pull them smoothly on, spends halfe the day
He smoothes his friends but specially his foes,
Least they should be too rough in words or blowes.
He smoothes his mistris, and his riualls too
And smoothly what they will be lets them doo.
He smoothes all factions and he smoothes all times;
He smoothly writes in prose and smoothly rimes;
He smoothes the courtier, and he smoothes the carter
For he him greetes a foote beneath the garter:
Yet though he be thus smoothe and hath wherewith
His mind is bare and ragged like his teeth.
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