The Bugles of Chancellorsville

It was Virginia's Springtime. Face to face
Two armies waited for the battle bugles, —
'Twixt them the Rappahannock as of yore
And Fredericksburg with frightful memories.
Across the river Hooker's forces marched, —
A mighty host and certain of success.
But Lee upon the heights of Fredericksburg
Saw as a seer sees, knew as genius knows.

From Fredericksburg the Southern Army moved
Towards Catherine Furnace, facing Hooker's host.
Stuart, Lee's roving eye, perceived the breaks
In Hooker's bristling columns gathering
Within the circling woods of Chancellorsville.
'Twas night historic fore historic day.
Beneath the pine trees Lee and Jackson sat —
David and Jonathan they oft were called —
Their seats were cracker boxes, and their light
Was fitful flaming of a meager fire.
There in the early dawn, ere yet 'twas morn,
The great flank march on Hooker's right was planned.
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