Casto Zamyšleny
When slumbering I found me
Within the deep grove;
Sweet dreams gather'd round me,
Of thee, mine own love!
I saw thee before me,
All blooming as spring;
Thy smiles beaming o'er me —
A joy-giving thing.
Thy cheeks, they were glowing
With blushes all bright;
Thine eyes, they were flowing
With love and delight.
What bliss kindled thro' me —
Thy hand when I prest;
Thy lips smiling to me,
Said, lov'd one! be blest!
Yes! then thou wert seated —
Thy lips bore my kiss;
Thy kisses repeated
The rapture of bliss.
Of blessings, best blessing!
O joy! while I deem
My lips thine are pressing —
O joy! — 'Twas a dream.
Within the deep grove;
Sweet dreams gather'd round me,
Of thee, mine own love!
I saw thee before me,
All blooming as spring;
Thy smiles beaming o'er me —
A joy-giving thing.
Thy cheeks, they were glowing
With blushes all bright;
Thine eyes, they were flowing
With love and delight.
What bliss kindled thro' me —
Thy hand when I prest;
Thy lips smiling to me,
Said, lov'd one! be blest!
Yes! then thou wert seated —
Thy lips bore my kiss;
Thy kisses repeated
The rapture of bliss.
Of blessings, best blessing!
O joy! while I deem
My lips thine are pressing —
O joy! — 'Twas a dream.
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