Caelica - Sonnet 18

I offer wrong to my beloued Saint,
I scorne, I change, I falsify my loue,
Absence and time haue made my homage faint,
With Cupid I doe euery where remoue.

I sigh, I sorrow, I doe play the foole,
Mine eyes like Weather-cocks, on her attend:
Zeale thus on either side she puts to schoole,
That will needs haue inconstancy to friend.

I grudge, she saith, that many should adore her,
Where loue doth suffer, and thinke all things meet,
She saith, All selfe-nesse must fall downe before her;
I say, Where is the sauce should make that sweet?
Change and contempt (you know) ill speakers be :
Caelica : and such are all your thoughts of me.
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