Captain Hamilton, Of the Surprise
Of the Surprise, with the boats of his frigate, cut the Hermione out of a Spanish port, in the West Indies. This intrepid action accasioned the following Lines.
When Spain, unmindful of her ancient fame,
Received the base assassins, England's shame!
Castillian honour heard the deed, and sigh'd —
Shock'd was her gen'rous nation's manly pride:
But Britain, mistress of the subject main.
Tears the Hermione from humbled Spain;
In vain beneath the rampart's fire she flies,
No harbour shields her from the bold Surprise!
When Spain, unmindful of her ancient fame,
Received the base assassins, England's shame!
Castillian honour heard the deed, and sigh'd —
Shock'd was her gen'rous nation's manly pride:
But Britain, mistress of the subject main.
Tears the Hermione from humbled Spain;
In vain beneath the rampart's fire she flies,
No harbour shields her from the bold Surprise!
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