Care of the Soul

Why came I here? What have I done,
Since life began its race to run?
Have I been thoughtless of the goal,
Following the inconsiderate shoal,
And ruining my soul?

Why thus for trifles will I strive?
Is it for trifles that I live?
Trifles my weak affections stole.
These trifles shall I make my whole?
For these exchange my soul?

In pleasure will I melt my days?
Hate serious thought and serious ways?
In mirth's perpetual circle roll,
Cards, shows, and dances, and the bowl;
Till I have lost my soul?

I'll swell my bags with golden store:
I'll count my spreading acres o'er.
What though they spread from pole to pole,
Where is the lucre of the whole,
If purchas'd with my soul?

Spring up, and soar, with vigorous wings,
Above these sublunary things:
To sensual worldlings leave the whole,
To fools short-sighted as the mole.
Be mindful of thy soul .

Be serious ere it is too late,
Redeem for heav'n probation's state,
Let God's commands thy life control,
Then nothing fear beyond the goal.
Save thy immortal soul .
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