Carle off Carlile

Listen : to me a litle stond,
yee shall heare of one tha t was sober & sound:
hee was meeke as maid in bower,
stiffe & strong in euery stoure;
certes w i thouten ffable
he was one of the round table;
the K nigh ts name was S i r Gawaine,
tha t much worshipp wan in Brittaine.
the Ile of Brittaine called is
both England & Scottland I-wis;
wales is an angle to tha t Ile,
where K ing Arthur soiorned a while;
w i th him 24 K nigh ts told,
besids Barrons & dukes bold.
the K ing to his Bishopp gan say,
" wee will have a Masse to-day,
Bishopp Bodwim shall itt done:
after, to the ffairest wee will gone,
ffor now itts grass time of the yeere,
Barrons bold shall breake the deere.
ffaine theroff was S i r Marrocke,
soe was S i r Kay, the K nigh t stout;
ffaine was S i r Lancelott Dulake,
soe was S i r Perciuall, I vndertake;
ffaine was S i r Ewaine
& S i r Lott of Lothaine,
soe was the K nigh t of armes greene,
& alsoe S i r Gawaine the sheene.
S i r Gawaine was steward in Arthurs hall,
hee was the curteous K nigh t amongst them all.
K ing Arthur & his Cozen Mordred,
& oth e r K nigh ts w i thouten Lett,
S i r Lybius Disconyus was there
w i th proud archers lesse & more,
Blanch ffaire & S i r Ironside,
& many K nigh s tha t day can ryde.
& Ironside, as I weene,
gate the Knight of armour greene —
certes as I vnderstand —
of a ffaire Lady of blaunch Land
hee cold more of honor in warr
then all the K nigh ts tha t w i th Arthur weare:
burning dragons he slew in Land,
& wilde beasts, as I vnderstand;
wilde beares he slew tha t stond;
a hardyer K nigh t was neuer ffound;
he was called in his dayes
one of K ing Arthurs ffellowes.
why was hee called Ironsyde?
ffor, euer armed wold he ryde;
hee wold allwais arms beare,
ffor Gyants & hee were euer att warr.
dapple coulour was his steede,
his armour and his other weede,
Azure of gold he bare,
w i th a Griffon lesse or more,
& a difference of a Molatt
he bare in his crest Allgate
where-soeuer he went, East nor west,
he neu er fforsooke man nor beast
beagles, keenely away the ran,
the K ing ffollowed affter w i th many a man.
they gray hounds out of the Leashe,
they drew downe the deere of grasse.
ffine tents in the ffeild were sett,
a merry sort there were mett
of comely k nigh ts of kind,
vppon the bent there can they lead,
& by noone of the same day
a 100 d harts on the ground the Lay.
then S i r Gawaine & S i r Kay,
& Bishopp Bodwin, as I heard say,
after a redd deere the rode
into a fforrest wyde & brode.
a thicke mist ffell them among,
tha t caused them all to goe wronge:
great moane made then S i r Kay
tha t they shold loose the hart tha t day;
tha t red hart wold not dwell.
hearken what aduentures them beffell:
ffull sore the were adread
ere the any Lodginge had;
then spake S i r Gawaine,
" this Labour wee haue had in vaine;
this red hart is out of sight,
wee meete w i th him no more this night.
I reede wee of our horsses do light,
& lodge wee heere all this night;
Truly itt is best, as thinketh mee,
to Lodge low vnder this tree. "
" nay, " said Kay, " goe wee hence anon,
ffor I will lodge whersoere I come;
for there dare no man warne me,
of whatt estate soeuer hee bee. "
" yes, " said the Bishopp, " tha t wott I well;
here dwelleth a Carle in a Castele,
the Carle of Carlile is his name,
I know itt well by St. Iame;
was there neu er man yett soe bold
tha t durst lodge w i thin his hold;
but, & if hee scape w i th his liffe away,
hee ruleth him well, I you say. "
then said Kay, " all in ffere,
to goe thither is my desire;
ffor & the Carle be neuer soe bolde,
I thinke to lodge w i thin his hold
ffor if he iangle & make itt stout,
I shall beate the Carle all about,
& I shall make his bigging bare,
& doe to him mickle Care;
& I shall beate [him,] as I thinke,
till he both sweate and stinke. "
then said the Bishopp, " so mote I ffare,
att his bidding I wilbe yare. "
Gawaine said " lett be thy bostlye ffare,
ffor thou dost euer waken care.
if thou scape w i th thy liffe away,
thou ruleth thee well, I dare say. "
then said Kay, " tha t pleaseth mee;
thither Let vs ryde all three.
such as hee bakes, such shall hee brew;
such as hee shapes, such shall hee sew;
such as he breweth, such shall he drinke. "
" tha t is contrary, " said Gawaine, " as I thinke;
but if any ffaire speeche will he gaine,
wee shall make him Lord w i thin his owne;
if noe ffaire speech will auayle,
then to karp on Kay wee will not ffaile. "
then said the Bishopp, " tha t senteth mee;
thither lett vs ryde all three "
when they came to the carles gate,
a hammer they ffound hanging theratt:
Gawaine hent the hammer in his hand,
& curteouslye on the gates dange.
fforth came the Porter w i th still ffare,
saying, " who is soe bold to knocke there? "
Gawaine answered him curteouslye
" man, " hee said, " that is I
wee be 2 K nigh ts of Arthurs inn,
& a Bishopp, no moe to min;
wee haue rydden all day in the fforrest still
till horsse & man beene like to spill;
ffor Arthurs sake, tha t is our Kinge,
wee desire my L ord of a nights Lodginge,
& harbarrow till the day att Morne,
tha t wee may scape away w i thout scorne. "
Then spake the crabbed K night S i r Kay:
" Porter, our errand I reede the say,
or else the Castle gate wee shall breake,
& the Keyes thereof to Arthur take "
the Porter sayd w i th words throe,
" theres no man aliue tha t dares doe soe!
of a 100 d such as thou his death had sworne,
yett he wold ryde on hunting to morne. "
then answered G AWAIN tha t was curteous aye,
" Porter, our errand I pray thee say. "
" yes, " said the Porter, " w i thouten ffayle
I shall say yo u r errand ffull well. "
as soone as the Porter the Carle see,
hee kneeled downe vpon his knee:
" Yonder beene 2 K nigh ts of Arthurs in,
& a Bishopp, no more to myn;
th e y haue roden all day in the fforrest still,
tha t horsse [&] man is like to spill;
they desire you ffor Arthirs sake, their K in g,
to grant them one nights Lodginge,
& herberrow till the day att Morne
tha t they may scape away w i thout scorne "
" noe thing greeues me, " sayd the Carle w i thout doubt,
" but tha t they K nigh ts stand soe long w i thout. "
w i th tha t they Porter opened the gates wyde,
& the K nigh ts rode in tha t tyde.
their steeds into the stable are tane,
the K nigh ts into the hall are gone:
heere the Carle sate in his chaire on hye,
w i th his legg cast ouer the other knee;
his mouth was wyde, & his beard was gray,
his lockes on his shoulders lay;
betweene his browes, certaine
itt was large there a spann,
w i th 2 great eyen brening as ffyer.
Lord! hee was a Lodlye syer!
ouer his sholders he bare a bread
3 taylors yards, as clarkes doe reade;
his ffingars were like to teddar stakes,
& his hands like breads tha t wiues may bake;
50 Cubitts he was in height;
Lo rd , he was a Lothesome wight!
when S i r Gawaine tha t carle see,
he halched him ffull curteouslye,
& saith, " carle of Carlile, god saue thee
as thou sitteth in thy p ro speritye! "
the carle said, " as christ me saue,
yee shall be welcome ffor Arthurs sake.
yet is itt not my p ar t to doe soe,
ffor Arthur hath beene euer my ffoe;
he hath beaten my K nigh ts, & done them bale,
& send them wounded to my owne hall.
yett the truth to tell I will not Leane,
I haue quitt him the same againe "
" tha t is a kind of a knaue, " said Kay, " w i thout Leasing,
soe to reuile a Noble King. "
Gawaine heard, & made answere,
" Kay, thou sayst more then meete weere "
w i th tha t they went ffurther into the hall,
where bords were spredd, & couered w i th pall;
& 4 welpes of great Ire
they ffound Lying by the ffire
there was a beare tha t did rome,
& a bore tha t did whett his tushes ffome,
alsoe a bull tha t did rore,
& a Lyon tha t did both gape & rore;
the Lyon did both gape and gren.
" O peace, whelpes! " said the carle then:
ffor tha t word tha t they carle did speake,
the 4 whelpes vnder they bord did creepe
downe came a Lady ffaire & ffree,
& sett her on the carles knee;
one whiles shee harped, another whiles song,
both of Paramours & louinge amonge
" well were tha t man, " said Gawaine, " tha t ere were borne,
tha t might Lye w i th tha t Lady till day att morne. "
" tha t were great shame, " said the carle ffree,
" tha t thou sholdest doe me such villanye "
" S i r, " said Gawaine, " I sayd nought "
" no, man, " said the carle; " more thou thought "
Then start Kay to the fflore,
& said hee wold see how his palfrey ffore.
both corne & hay he ffound Lyand,
& the carles palfrey by his steed did stand
Kay tooke the carles palfrey by the necke,
& soone hee thrust him out att the hecke:
thus Kay put the carles ffole out,
& on his backe he sett a clout.
then the carle himselfe hee stood there by,
and sayd, " this buffett, man, thou shalt abuy. "
The carle raught Kay such a rapp
tha t backward he ffell fflatt;
had itt not beene ffor a ffeald of straw.
Kayes backe had gone in 2
then said Kay, " & thow were w i thout thy hold,
Man! this buffett shold be deere sold. "
" what, " sayd the carle, " dost thou menace me?
I swere by all soules sicerlye!
Man! I swere ffurther thore,
if I heere any malice more,
ffor this one word tha t thou hast spoken
itt is but ernest thou hast gotten. "
then went Kay into the hall,
& the Bishopp to him can call,
saith: Brother Kay, where you haue beene? "
" to Looke my palffrey, as I weene. "
then said the Bishopp, " itt ffalleth me
tha t my palfrey I must see "
both corne & hay he ffound Lyand,
& the carles palffrey, as I vnderstand.
the Bishopp tooke the carles horsse by the necke,
& soone hee thrust him out att the hecke;
thus he turned the carles ffole out,
& on his backe he sett a clout;
sais, " wend forth, ffole, in the devills way!
who made thee soe bold w i th my palfrey? "
the carle himselfe he stood there by:
" man! this buffett thou shalt abuy "
he hitt the Bishopp vpon the crowne,
tha t his miter & he ffell downe
" Mercy! " said the Bishopp, " I am a clarke!
somewhatt I can of chr[i]sts werke. "
he saith, " by the Clergye I sett nothing,
nor yett by thy Miter nor by thy ringe.
It ffitteth a clarke to be curteous & ffree,
by the conning of his clergy. "
w i th tha t the Bishopp went into the hall,
& Sir Gawaine to him can call,
saith, " brother Bishopp where haue you beene? "
" to looke my palfrey, as I weene. "
then sayd S i r Gawaine, " itt ffalleth mee
tha t my palfreye I must needs see. "
corne & hay he ffound enoughe Lyand,
& the carles ffole by his did stand.
the carles ffole had beene fforth in the raine;
therof S i r Gawaine was not ffaine;
hee tooke his mantle tha t was of greene,
& couered the ffole, as I weene;
sayth, " stand vp, ffole, & eate thy meate;
thy M aster payeth ffor all that wee heere gett. "
they carle himselfe stood thereby,
& thanked him of his curtesye;
they carle tooke Gawaine by the hand,
& both together in they hall they wend.
the carles called ffor a bowle of wine,
& soone they settled them to dine;
70 bowles in tha t bowle were, —
he was not weake tha t did itt beare, —
then they carle sett itt to his Chin,
& said, " to you I will begin! "
15 gallons he dranke tha t tyde,
& raught to his men on euery side.
then they carle said to them anon,
" Sirrs, to supp er gett you gone! "
Gawaine answered the carle then,
" S i r, att yo u r bidding we will be ben. "
" if you be bayne att my bidding,
you honor me w i thout Leasinge. "
they washed all, & went to meate,
& dranke the wine tha t was soe sweete.
the carle said to Gawaine anon,
" a long speare see thou take in thy hand,
att the buttrye dore take thou thy race,
& marke me well in middest the face.
" a! " thought S i r Kay, " tha t tha t were I!
then his buffett he shold deere abuy. "
" well, " q uo th the carle, " when thou wilt, thou may,
when thou wilt thy strength assay. " —
" well S i r, " said Kay, " I said nought. "
" Noe, " said the carle, " but more thou thought. "
then Gawaine was ffull glad of tha t,
& a long spere in his hand he gatt;
att the buttery dore he tooke his race,
& marked the carle in the middst the fface.
the carle saw S i r Gawaine come in ire,
& cast his head vnder his speare,
Gawaine raught the wall such a rapp,
the ffyer fflew out, & the speare brake;
he stroke a ffoote into the wall of stone,
a bolder Barron was there neuer none.
" soft, " said the carle, " thow was to radd. "
" I did but, S i r, as you me bade "
" if thou had hitt me as thou had ment,
thou had raught me a ffell dint. "
they carle tooke Gawaine by the hand,
& both into a Chamber they wend;
a ffull ffaire bed there was spred,
the carles wiffe therin was laid:
the carles said, " Gawaine, of curtesye
gett into this bedd w i th this ffaire Ladye.
kisse thou her 3 se before mine eye;
looke thou doe no other villanye. "
the carle opened the sheetes wyde;
Gawaine gott in by the Laydes syde;
Gawaine ouer her put his arme;
w i th tha t his fflesh began to warme:
Gawaine had thought to haue made in ffare,
" hold, " q uo th the carle, " man, stopp there!
itt were great shame, " q uo th they carle, " for me
tha t thou sholdest doe me such villanye;
but arise vp, Gawaine, & goe w i th me,
I shall bring thee to a ffairer Lady then eu er was shee. "
they carle tooke Gawaine by the hand;
both into another Chamber they wend;
a ffaire bedd there found they spred,
and the Carles daughter therin Laid:
saith, " Gawaine, now for thy curtesye
gett thee to bedd to this ffaire Lady. "
the carle opened the sheetes wyde,
S i r Gawaine gott in by the Ladyes side.
Gawaine put his arme ouer tha t sweet thing;
" sleepe, daughter, " sais the carle, " on my blessing. "
they carle turned his backe & went his way,
& lockt the dore w i th a siluer Kaye
on the other morning when the carles rose,
vnto his daughters chamber he goes:
" rise vp, S i r Gawaine, & goe w i th mee,
a maruelous sight I shall lett thee see. "
they carle tooke him by the hand,
& both into another chamber they wend,
& there they found many a bloody serke
w hi ch were wrought w i th curyous werke:
1500 dead mens bones
they found vpon a rooke att once.
" alacke! " q uo th S i r Gawaine, " what haue beene here? "
saith, " I & my welpes haue slaine all there. "
then S i r Gawaine curteous and kind,
he tooke his leaue away to wend,
& thanked they carle & the Ladyes there,
right as they worthy were.
" nay, " said the carle, " wee will first dine,
& then thou shalt goe w i th blessing mine "
after dinner, the sooth to say,
the carle tooke Gawaine to a Chamber gay
where were hanginge swords towe;
the Carle soone tooke one of tho,
& sayd to the K nigh t then,
" Gawaine, as thou art a man,
take this sword & stryke of my head. "
" Nay, " said Gawaine, " I had rather be dead;
ffor I had rather suffer pine & woe
or eu er I wold tha t deede doe. "
the carle sayd to S i r Gawaine,
" looke thou doe as I thee saine,
& therof be not adread;
but shortly smite of my head,
ffor if thou wilt not doe itt tyte,
ffor-ssooth thy head I will of smyte. "
To the carle said S i r Gawaine,
" S i r, yo u r bidding shall be done: "
he stroke the head the body ffroe,
& he stood vp a man thoe
of the height of S i r Gawaine,
the certaine soothe w i thouten Laine
the carle sayd, " Gawaine, god blese thee,
ffor thou hast deliu er ed mee!
ffrom all ffalse witchcrafft
I am deliu er d att the Last;
by Nigromance thus was I shapen
till a K nigh t of the round table
had w i th a sword smitten of my head,
if he had grace to doe tha t deede.
itt is 40 winters agoe
since I was transformed soe;
since then, none Lodged w i thin this wooun,
but I & my whelpes driuen them downe;
& but if hee did my bidding soone,
I killed him & drew him downe,
euery one but only thee.
Christ grant thee of his mercye!
he tha t the world made, reward thee this!
ffor all my bale thou hast turned to blisse.
now will I leaue tha t Lawe;
there shall no man ffor me be slawe,
& I purpose ffor their sake
a chantrey in this place to make,
& 5 preists to sing ffor aye
vntill itt be doomes day.
& Gawaine, for the loue of thee
euery one shall bee welcome to me. "
S i r Gawaine & the young Lady clere,
the Bishopp weded them in ffere;
the carle gaue him for his wedding
a staffe, miter, & a ringe
he gaue S i r Kay, tha t angry K nigh t,
a blood red steede, & a wight
he gaue his daughter, the sooth to say,
an ambling white palfrey,
the ffairest hee was on the mold;
her palfrey was charged w i th gold;
shee was soe gorgeous & soe gay,
no man cold tell her array.
the carle com m anded S i r Gawaine to wend
& " say vnto Arthur our King,
& pray him tha t hee wold —
ffor his loue tha t Iudas sold,
& for his sake tha t in B ETHELEM was borne, —
tha t hee wold dine w i th him to morne. "
S i r Gawaine sayd the carle vnto,
" fforssooth I shall yo u r message doe. "
then they rode singing by the way
w i th the Ladye tha t was gay;
they were as glad of tha t Lady bright
as euer was ffowle of the day-Lyght.
they told K ing Arthur where they had beene,
& what aduentures they had seene
" I thanke god, " sayd the K ing , " cozen Kay,
tha t thou didst on liue p ar t away "
" Marry, " sayd S i r Kay againe,
" of my liffe I may be ffaine.
ffor his loue tha t was in Bethlem borne,
you must dine w i th the carle to-morne. "
in the dawning of the day the rode;
a merryer meeting was neu er made.
when they together were mett,
itt was a good thing, I you hett;
the trumpetts plaid att the gate,
w i th trumpetts of siluer theratt;
there [was] all manner of Minstrelsye,
harpe, Gyttorne, and sowtrye.
into the hall the King was ffett,
& royallye in seat was sett
by then the dinner was readye dight,
tables were couered all on height;
then to wash they wold not blinn,
& the ffeast they can beginn.
there they were mached arright,
euery Lady against a Knight;
And Minstrells sate in windowes ffaire,
& playd on their instruments cleere;
" Minstrells ffor worshipp att euery messe
ffull Lowd they cry Largnesse! "
the carle bade the K ing " doe gladlye,
ffor heere yee gett great curtesye. "
the K ing said " by S ain t Michaell
this dinner Liketh me ffull well. "
he dubd the carle a K nigh t anon,
he gaue him the county of carlile soone,
& made him Erle of all tha t Land,
& after, K nigh t of the table round.
the K ing said, " K nigh t, I tell thee,
CARLILE shall thy name bee. "
when the dinner was all done,
euery K nigh t tooke his leaue soone,
to wend forward soberlye
home into their owne countrye.
he tha t made vs all w i th his hand,
both the sea and the Land,
grant vs all ffor his sake
this ffalse world to fforsake,
& out of this world when wee shall wend,
to heauens blisse our soules bringe!
god grant vs grace itt may soe bee!
A MEN , say all, ffor Charitye!
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