Cearten veerses written by Doctor Hall upon the kings coming into Scotland - Part
Doe not repyine fayre sun to see these eyne
welcomer far then thyne
To see the beames of a moore glorius face
Shine one his natiue place
And ouerrun the to his Northerne lyne
fayre sonn doe not repyine
And yea thrise blessed bowers w ch longe agone
His cradle rocked one
W ch at the first that vitall breath did geue
whereby our worlde doth liue
Doe not inuie the spheres of heauen aboue
In his deare lyght and loue
whose presens vnder Arthures seate can frame
An Eden both indeede and name.
Ioye that Alone w th better bayes
and mirtle bowes and highest dayes
Crownest thy kinglie browes
Come come alonge to day w th me
welcome the flower of Royaltie
Home to his natiue howse
Now doe thy best and more then all
To make a merry festiuall
Oh now or neuer doot
All the day longe feast dance play and singe
And Spend vpon this reualinge
Thy nimblest handes and feete
Call to thee all thy lightheeld trayne
Nimphes and phares of the playne
And bid them trip it round
And cause the cirkles of the Skyes
Answare the cherminge melodyes
In there consorted sounde
Still may the burden be welcome
welcome greate king to thy first home
Then add vnto the rest
Good speede home to thy other home
That count the hower whilest thou art gone
And vse to loue the best.
welcomer far then thyne
To see the beames of a moore glorius face
Shine one his natiue place
And ouerrun the to his Northerne lyne
fayre sonn doe not repyine
And yea thrise blessed bowers w ch longe agone
His cradle rocked one
W ch at the first that vitall breath did geue
whereby our worlde doth liue
Doe not inuie the spheres of heauen aboue
In his deare lyght and loue
whose presens vnder Arthures seate can frame
An Eden both indeede and name.
Ioye that Alone w th better bayes
and mirtle bowes and highest dayes
Crownest thy kinglie browes
Come come alonge to day w th me
welcome the flower of Royaltie
Home to his natiue howse
Now doe thy best and more then all
To make a merry festiuall
Oh now or neuer doot
All the day longe feast dance play and singe
And Spend vpon this reualinge
Thy nimblest handes and feete
Call to thee all thy lightheeld trayne
Nimphes and phares of the playne
And bid them trip it round
And cause the cirkles of the Skyes
Answare the cherminge melodyes
In there consorted sounde
Still may the burden be welcome
welcome greate king to thy first home
Then add vnto the rest
Good speede home to thy other home
That count the hower whilest thou art gone
And vse to loue the best.
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