The Ceremony of Experience

gentlemen expensively dressed in dark colors are making their statements.
soft words soaked up by the pores of the many absorbent stomachs constipated monuments sleeves & blotters in Washington.

these statements of surrealpolitik are prepared like coffee in air-conditioned suites of offices.
reproduced by secretaries who step neat from airline deodorant advertisements with minds like armpits smooth as barbered marble.
slick like the pp. of sophisticated periodicals that say compleat & kudos.

duplicated collated distributed & issued to the pool of cupped coppery palms held out by the mercy me professional press.
the journalists that style themselves the fourth estate.
that is to say the praedial residuum of uliginous turpiloquence etiolated under the glacial cyclops pyramid of lords temporal lords spiritual & the grogram broad-based commons.
these foot-long hot-dog mental midgets queue up at the world-sow's hindmost tit that bitter end pink puckered faucet with the wrinkled rubric UNCLE .

now these are the precincts of supreme moral law.
sawn stones laid down to die between Virginia & Maryland names that do honor to queens of England from the sixteenth century domini.
manly women dressed in dark who issued tough prepared statements too.
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