Certaine Hellish Verses Devised by That Athiest and Traitour Rawley As Yet Is Said

When first this circell Round this buildinge faire
some god tooke out of this confusd masse
what god I do not knowe, nor greatly care
then every one his owne director was
then Warr was not, nor riches was not knowne
and no man said then this or that, is my owne
the plowman with a Furrowe did not marke
how far his great possessions they did reache
the earth knewe not the Shore, nor the Sea the barke.
nor Soldiors dared not the battered breache
nor Trompets loud Tantara then did teache
they needed then nothinge of whom to stand in awe
but after Nynnus warlicke Bellus sonne
with uncouth armour did the earth array
then first the sacred name of kinge begann
and things that were as common as the day
did yeld themselves and lykewise did obey
and with a common mutteringe discontent
gave that to tyme, which tyme cannot prevent.
Then some sage man a monge the vulgar [wise]
knowinge that lawes could not in quiet dwell
unles they were observed did first devyse
the name of god religion heaven and hell.
and gaines of paines and faire rewards to tell
paines for theis that did neglect the law
rewards for him that lived in quiet awe
whereas indeede they were meere fictions
and if they were not yet (I thinke) they were
and those religious observations
onlie bugbeares to keepe the worlde in feare
and make them quietly the yoke to beare
so that religion of it self a fable
was onlie found to make that peaceable
herein especially comes the foolish names
of Father mother, brother, and such lyke.
But whoso well his cogitations frames
shall onely find they were but for to strike
into our mynds a tender kinde of like
regard of some for shew, for feare, for shame
indeed I must confesse they were not bad
because they keepe the baser sort in feare
but we whose myndes with noble thoughts are clad
whose body doth a ritch spirit bere
which is not knowne but fliethe everiewhere
why should we seeke to make that soule a slave
to which dame nature such large freedome gave
amongs us men ther is som difference
as affections termeth us be it good or ill
as he that doth his Father recompence
differs from him which doth his Father kill.
and yet I thinke, thinks others what they will
that paradice when death give them rest
shall have as good a part as the best
and that is just nothinge, for as I suppose
in deathes void kingdome rules eternall night
secure of evil secure of foes,
where nothinge doth the wycked soule affright
then since in death nothinge doth us be fall
here while I live, I will have a fetch at all.
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