Charms for Unfruitful Land

Erce, Erce, Erce, Mother of earth,
May the All-Wielder, Lord Eternal,
Give flourishing acres of sprouting shoots,
Acres bountiful bringing to harvest
Tall stalks and shining growth,
Acres of broad harvest of barley,
Acres of white harvest of wheat,
And all the harvests of earth!
May Eternal God and His saints in heaven
Defend earth's growth from every foe
That it may be shielded from every evil,
And every sorcery sowed through the land.
Now I pray the All-Wielder who shaped the world
That there be no woman so wagging of tongue,
Nor any man so cunning of craft,
That may ever pervert the words thus spoken!

(Then take the plough, and turn the first furrow, and say:)

Be healed, O Earth, O Mother of men,
Be hale and growing by grace of God:
Be filled with food for the use of men!

(Then take meal of every kind and bake a loaf as broad as the inside of the hand, and knead it with milk and with holy water, and lay it under the first furrow. Then say:)

Acre grow full with food for men
Brightly blowing. Be thou blessed
In the name of the Holy One, Maker of heaven,
And Maker of earth whereon we live.
May God, Who made ground, grant sprouting gifts
That each kind of grain may grow for men.
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