
Impure desires, flee far away;
You that deflower the mind,
Ye sordid pleasures of a day
With lasting pain behind;

Ye fogs, which from corruption rise,
Eclipsing reason's light:
Which good and evil, truth and lies,
Confound in hellish night.

O alien from all good, from God
Wide wand'ring and estrang'd!
In vestal souls He makes abode,
With energy unchang'd.

While o'er the sacred page they bend,
Truth beams from every line:
And wonders, opening without end,
Transporting prospect! shine.

Beneath the strong enliv'ning ray,
Immortal vigour grows.
Immortal hopes the growth repay,
And heav'nly scenes disclose.

Earth, at the voice which shakes the sky,
Gives up her quick'ning mold:
The pure shall then, with angel-eye,
The face of God behold.
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