Choice, The; imitated from "the Battle of Sabla," in Carlyle's Specimens of Arabian Poetry
Hast thou not seen the insulting foe
In fancied triumphs crown'd?
And heard their frantic rulers throw
These empty threats around?
" Make now YOUR CHOICE ! The terms we give,
" Desponding Britons, hear!
" These fetters on your hands receive,
" Or in your hearts the spear. "
Can we forget our old renown;
Resign the empire of the sea;
And yield at once our Sovereign's crown,
Our ancient Laws and Liberty?
Shall thus the fierce Destroyer's hand
Pass unresisted o'er our Native Land?
Our Country sink, to barb'rous force a prey,
And ransom'd England bow to Gallic sway?
" Is then the contest o'er? " we cried,
" And lie we at your feet?
" And dare you vauntingly decide
" The fortune we shall meet?
" A brighter day we soon shall see,
" No more the prospect lours;
" And Conquest, Peace, and Liberty,
" Shall gild our future hours. "
Yes! we will guard our old renown;
Assert our empire of the sea;
And keep untouch'd our Sovereign's crown,
Our ancient Laws and Liberty.
Not thus the fierce Destroyer's hand
Shall scatter ruin o'er this smiling land;
No barb'rous force shall here divide its prey,
Nor ransom'd England bow to Gallic sway.
The Foe advance. In firm array
We'll rush o'er Albion's sands —
Till the red sabre marks our way,
Amid their yielding bands!
Then, as they lie in Death's cold grasp,
We'll cry, " O UR CHOICE IS MADE !
" These hands the sabre's hilt shall clasp,
" Your hearts shall feel the blade. "
Thus Britons guard their ancient fame,
Assert their empire o'er the sea,
And to the envying world proclaim,
One Nation still is brave and free! —
Resolved to conquer or to die,
True to their K ING , their L AWS , their L IBERTY :
No barb'rous foe here finds an easy prey —
Un-ransom'd England spurns all foreign sway.
Hast thou not seen the insulting foe
In fancied triumphs crown'd?
And heard their frantic rulers throw
These empty threats around?
" Make now YOUR CHOICE ! The terms we give,
" Desponding Britons, hear!
" These fetters on your hands receive,
" Or in your hearts the spear. "
Can we forget our old renown;
Resign the empire of the sea;
And yield at once our Sovereign's crown,
Our ancient Laws and Liberty?
Shall thus the fierce Destroyer's hand
Pass unresisted o'er our Native Land?
Our Country sink, to barb'rous force a prey,
And ransom'd England bow to Gallic sway?
" Is then the contest o'er? " we cried,
" And lie we at your feet?
" And dare you vauntingly decide
" The fortune we shall meet?
" A brighter day we soon shall see,
" No more the prospect lours;
" And Conquest, Peace, and Liberty,
" Shall gild our future hours. "
Yes! we will guard our old renown;
Assert our empire of the sea;
And keep untouch'd our Sovereign's crown,
Our ancient Laws and Liberty.
Not thus the fierce Destroyer's hand
Shall scatter ruin o'er this smiling land;
No barb'rous force shall here divide its prey,
Nor ransom'd England bow to Gallic sway.
The Foe advance. In firm array
We'll rush o'er Albion's sands —
Till the red sabre marks our way,
Amid their yielding bands!
Then, as they lie in Death's cold grasp,
We'll cry, " O UR CHOICE IS MADE !
" These hands the sabre's hilt shall clasp,
" Your hearts shall feel the blade. "
Thus Britons guard their ancient fame,
Assert their empire o'er the sea,
And to the envying world proclaim,
One Nation still is brave and free! —
Resolved to conquer or to die,
True to their K ING , their L AWS , their L IBERTY :
No barb'rous foe here finds an easy prey —
Un-ransom'd England spurns all foreign sway.
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