Christian Peace

When conscience, with its tongue of flame,
The guilt of heart and life shall name,
And Sinai's mount its thunder peals,
As horror o'er the bosom steals;
Then be thy saving blood applied,
Thou Lamb of God who meekly died;
Then bid the Law its threatening cease,
And grant me thine eternal Peace.

Passion its storm will raise within,
And wake to birth the monster sin,
And lusts which war against the soul,
Will seek my spirit to control:
Thou, Lamb of God, who calmed the wave,
Thy chosen ones from death to save,
Oh, bid the tempest quickly cease,
And grant me thy subduing Peace.

Affliction with its iron rod,
Will say — Be still and know thy God,
The cup of trembling must I taste,
When to my lips by Jesus placed,
Then dissipate the thickening gloom,
The prospect with thy grace illume:
Oh, Lamb of God, bid murmurs cease,
And grant me thy consoling Peace.

And when at last the midnight cry,
Proclaims the Bridegroom's advent nigh,
Then with a holy, Christian hope,
Help me to yield my spirit up,
Then, dying Lamb, thy Peace impart,
Sustain in death my failing heart,
And let me hear the rapturous word,
" Come Home, thou blessed of the Lord. "
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