
Decollationis CAROLI Regis tricesimo die Januarii , secunda
hora Pomeridiana,Anno Dom . MDCXLVIII.

CHARLES — ah forbear, forbear! lest Mortals prize
His Name too dearly, and Idolatrize.
His Name! Our Losse! Thrice cursed and forlorn
Be that Black Night which usher'd in this Morn.

CHARLES our Dread Soveraign! — — hold! lest Outlaw'd Sense
Bribe, and seduce tame Reason to dispense
With those Celestial powers; and distrust
Heav'n can behold such Treason, and prove Just.

CHARLES our Dread Soveraign's murther'd! tremble! and
View what Convulsions shoulder-shake this Land,
Court, City, Country, nay three Kingdoms run
To their last stage, and Set with him their Sun.

CHARLES our Dread Soveraign's murther'd at His Gate!
Fell fiends! dire Hydra's of a stiff-neck'd-State!
Strange Body-politick! whose Members spread,
And Monster-like, swell bigger than their HEAD.

CHARLES of Great Britain! He! who was the known
King of three Realms, lyes murther'd in his own;
He! He! who liv'd, and Faith's Defender stood,
Dy'd here to re-Baptize it in his bloud.

No more, no more, Fame's Trump shall Eccho all
The rest in dreadfull Thunder. Such a Fall
Great Christendom nere pattern'd; and 'twas strange
Earth's Center reel'd not at this dismal Change.

The Blow struck Britain blinde, each well-set Limb
By dislocation was lopt off in HIM.
And though she yet lives, she lives but to condole
Three Bleeding Bodies left without a Soul.

Religion puts on Black, sad Loyalty
Blushes and mourns to see bright Majesty
Butcher'd by such Assassinates; nay both
'Gainst God , 'gainst Law, Allegiance , and their Oath .

Earewell sad Isle! Farewell! thy fatal Glory
Is Sum'd, Cast up, and Cancell'd in this Story.
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