Cittadina, La: On Leaving Rossana 1798

Farewell ye hapless woods,
Which dreary frown o'er the swelled turbid floods,
Your rude tempestuous roar,
Shall howl discordant in my ears no more—
Congenial is your shade
To the sad lover and forsaken maid—
There spread your sombre gloom
And 'mid the frozen plains your brownest hints assume
Hence you unsocial band
Retirement and her offspring mute
Study who drives afar with ebon wand,
Joys jocund voice and Pleasure's silver Lute,
Pale science with her patient Lamp
Silence, assiduous Thought
Calm Contemplation by the muses taught
And Application whom no bliss can damp
With stooping gait, contracted brow,
And eyes whose keen research would no repose allow.

But come ye dear remember'd joys,
Hail delightful smoke and noise
The hurried morn, and daily stroll
Where the gilded chariots roll;
While in ev'ry crowded street,
Pleased the lounging gazers meet;
Glittering shops, and splendid sights,
Gaiety's long festive nights;
Balls, and Concerts, routs and plays,
Where the midnight flambeause blaze;
Joys that gem dark Winter's crown.
All the dear delights of town;
At the call of Mirth and Sport
Hope invites me to resort;
Now let plumy footed glee,
And ever new variety,
Lead the sprightly hours along;
Festive dance, and choral song,
Hail busy town, and hail with thee,
Smiling hu'd Society
Welcome, Frolic's pleasing train!
Now commences Pleasure's reign;
Quick Imagination pass
Before my eyes thy magic glass
Paint the scenes so bright and gay
The lighted hall at once display;
Let me hear the jocund strain
View the light fantastic train,
As with many twinkling feet,
The measur'd cadence oft they beat,
Wreathed with ever blooming flowers,
Forgetting the uncounted hours
When the brisk, unwearied viol,
Calls each active grace to trial;
While the gliding, happy maid,
Conscious views the hommage paid,
From the circling crowded rows.
Glances of admiring Beaux;
Round the glowing maid they run
When her pleasing task is done;
Smiles, and adulation bland
Eager ask her vacant hand,
Till her soft voice and melting eyes
Declare to whom belong the prize;
Short the toil—the rest how sweet
When delighted partners meet!
When no prudent Chaperone's eye
The dangerous whisper can espy!
And the careless, happy band
All around them heedless stand!
Or when the signal bids them share
The banquet spread with generous care!
The watchful youth attentive flies
Where his fav'rite maid he spies,
Her yielding hand he then may press,
And ev'ry tender hope confess,
And ev'ry swain declare his love,
While soft'ning eyes the tale approve,
Fancy scenes like this bestows,
Images like these she shews
While thro' the crowd and mingling dance
Quick I send my eager glance,
And as some well-known friend I spy,
The sudden start, the sparkling eye
Lips brilliant smile, and roseate glow,
Speak with power no words can shew;
Let such lively warm delights
Animate remembered nights;
And not infrequent may my ear
Bannister or Siddons hear,
And gratify my curious eyes
With all a decent stage supplies,
And oft with soothing magic power,
Let music charm the evening hour,
Warbling soft his melting lays,
Such emotions skilled to raise,
As the feeling breast may move,
To tenderness and tranquil love,
Me, eloquence shall oft invite
Watchful to pass th'unwearied night,
Then 'midst the senates crowded walls
On truth and virtue loud he calls;
And bids th'unbiassed patriot free
Nobly stand forth with energy;
Or leads me to the sacred shrine
Where Charity and Pity shine,
Where pious hopes the soul inspire,
And kindly breathe a sacred fire,
While mute enraptured crowds attend
The widows and the orphan's friend,
Thus let each feeling fast be bound,
By soft persuasions silver sound
Till gently stealing o'er my soul
The smooth melodious currant roll,
And ev'ry captivated sense
Owns the power of Eloquence
Oft when calmest hours delight
The chosen few whom we invite;
Meeting at the close of day
In concert decent, sprightly, gay,
Bless my home, dear cherished center!
Where no visitors can enter;
From intrusion sweetly free,
Banish'd all formality,
There we taste serenest joys,
Free from rude and boisterous noise
There the heart expands, and there
Benevolence, and peace appear,
The anxious brow we there unbend,
And ev'ry eye reflects a friend.
Reserves cold frosts there melt away
Beneath the social genial ray,
While around the blazing pile
The close contracted circle smile
Or at the board the sparkling bowl
Animates the brilliant soul,
And mingling there with wit we see
Sense and mild society,
Charity, benign indulgence,
White rob'd candour, truth's just sentance,
And evermore our feasts to bless
A constant guest be cheerfulness;
There oft let Genius guide the tongue,
And taste approve th'unlaboured song;
Let partial judgment smile serene,
Or criticise with gentlest mien;
And still refine our merriment
Glistening tender sentiment,
Sweet dove ey'd virgin whom of yore
Fair Venus to Apollo bore,
And gifted by the sacred nine
Placed her near Dian's silver shrine,
That her soft voice might pity move
Excuse the crimes of erring Love,
And for her brother's faults atone
With delicacy all her own,
Pleased with the infants' gentle charms
The Graces nursed her in their arms;
Smiled at her pains, her timid fear,
Her ready blush, and starting tear,
Inspired her words, and as she grew
Taught her each winning art they knew;
Her quick perception, liquid tones
All her father's genius owns,
While her fascinating eyes
Balmy breath and melting sighs,
The tender smile, the swelling breast,
Shew the queen of Love confest;
Hand in hand with dimpled mirth
Still may she grace our cheerful hearth;
While Love and Friendship hover round
Her pure and consecrated ground,
Oh hours of bliss! Oh night divine!
When shall such feasts again be mine?
Less bright were those which once could charm
The bard within his salvic farm;
And such to me could town afford,
Where peace and pleasure bless my board,
And such delights if thou canst give
Town in thee I still would live
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