Coffee and Brass Candlesticks
Slantlegged girls swaye broade away downefield
Andde the legginges of the black trees loosen
The earthe's elephant skin wrinkles crumbles
When the blacke girls go singing and swinginge
There aint no God butte Fridaye and he's in
The fish there aint no lover butte's roostin
So foller this chicken foller this bird
Chuck chuck chuck my luck's in the ground highboye.
Highboye shortboye fatteboye thinneboye downdown
All gone down to the grounde burnt up toasted
So mah toes is silver mah lipps is redde
Mah haire is kinky andde mah hawrt is wedde
Mah lipps is sweetened in the sonne all daye
Cause sugarcane wont ripen the bitter claye.
Andde the legginges of the black trees loosen
The earthe's elephant skin wrinkles crumbles
When the blacke girls go singing and swinginge
There aint no God butte Fridaye and he's in
The fish there aint no lover butte's roostin
So foller this chicken foller this bird
Chuck chuck chuck my luck's in the ground highboye.
Highboye shortboye fatteboye thinneboye downdown
All gone down to the grounde burnt up toasted
So mah toes is silver mah lipps is redde
Mah haire is kinky andde mah hawrt is wedde
Mah lipps is sweetened in the sonne all daye
Cause sugarcane wont ripen the bitter claye.
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