B E still, O ye winds! and attentive, ye swains!
'Tis Phebe invites and replies to my strains;
The sun never rose on, search all the world through,
A shepherd so blest or a fair-one so true.
P HEB . Glide softly, ye streams! O ye nymphs, round me throng!
'Tis Colin commands and attends to my song;
Search all the world over, you never can find
A maiden so blest or a shepherd so kind.
B OTH . 'Tis love, like the sun, that gives light to the year,
The sweetest of blessings that life can endear;
Our pleasures it brightens, drives sorrow away,
Gives joy to the night, and enlivens the day.
C OL . With Phebe beside me, the seasons how gay!
Then Winter's bleak months seem as pleasant as May;
The Summer's gay verdure springs still as she treads,
And linnets and nightingales sing through the meads.
P HEB . When Colin is absent 'tis Winter all round,
How faint is the sunshine, how barren the ground!
Instead of the linnet and nightingale's song,
I hear the hoarse raven croak all the day long.
B OTH . 'Tis love, like the sun, &c.
C OL . O'er hill, dale, and valley, my Phebe and I
Together will wander, and Love shall be by;
Her Colin shall guard her safe all the long day,
And Phebe at night all his pains shall repay.
P HEB . By moonlight when shadows glide over the plain,
His kisses shall cheer me, his arm shall sustain;
The dark haunted grove I can trace without fear,
Or sleep in a church-yard, if Colin is near.
B OTH . 'Tis love, like the sun, &c.
C OL . Ye shepherds, that wanton it over the plain,
How fleeting your transports, how lasting your pain!
Inconstancy shun, and reward the kind she,
And learn to be happy of Phebe and me.
P HEB . Yenymphs! who the pleasures of love never tried,
Attend to my strains, and take me for your guide;
Your hearts keep from pride and inconstancy free,
And learn to be happy of Colin and me.
B OTH . 'Tis love, like the sun, that gives light to the year,
The sweetest of blessings that life can endear:
Our pleasures it brightens, drives sorrow away,
Gives joy to the night, and enlivens the day.
B E still, O ye winds! and attentive, ye swains!
'Tis Phebe invites and replies to my strains;
The sun never rose on, search all the world through,
A shepherd so blest or a fair-one so true.
P HEB . Glide softly, ye streams! O ye nymphs, round me throng!
'Tis Colin commands and attends to my song;
Search all the world over, you never can find
A maiden so blest or a shepherd so kind.
B OTH . 'Tis love, like the sun, that gives light to the year,
The sweetest of blessings that life can endear;
Our pleasures it brightens, drives sorrow away,
Gives joy to the night, and enlivens the day.
C OL . With Phebe beside me, the seasons how gay!
Then Winter's bleak months seem as pleasant as May;
The Summer's gay verdure springs still as she treads,
And linnets and nightingales sing through the meads.
P HEB . When Colin is absent 'tis Winter all round,
How faint is the sunshine, how barren the ground!
Instead of the linnet and nightingale's song,
I hear the hoarse raven croak all the day long.
B OTH . 'Tis love, like the sun, &c.
C OL . O'er hill, dale, and valley, my Phebe and I
Together will wander, and Love shall be by;
Her Colin shall guard her safe all the long day,
And Phebe at night all his pains shall repay.
P HEB . By moonlight when shadows glide over the plain,
His kisses shall cheer me, his arm shall sustain;
The dark haunted grove I can trace without fear,
Or sleep in a church-yard, if Colin is near.
B OTH . 'Tis love, like the sun, &c.
C OL . Ye shepherds, that wanton it over the plain,
How fleeting your transports, how lasting your pain!
Inconstancy shun, and reward the kind she,
And learn to be happy of Phebe and me.
P HEB . Yenymphs! who the pleasures of love never tried,
Attend to my strains, and take me for your guide;
Your hearts keep from pride and inconstancy free,
And learn to be happy of Colin and me.
B OTH . 'Tis love, like the sun, that gives light to the year,
The sweetest of blessings that life can endear:
Our pleasures it brightens, drives sorrow away,
Gives joy to the night, and enlivens the day.
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