" My country t'is of thee " — I do not sing.
You're in too sad a plight, believe me dear,
For plaudits to have aught but a false ring.
The shallow clang of counterfeit to th' ear.
The courage of your soldiers all men know.
Their daring and their patience all have seen.
Your sailors' markmanship full well doth show
How accurate their discipline hath been.
But Justice in thy land hath gone astray;
Believe me dear, she wanders from the path,
And like a drunken harlot reels her way
Along the broad road that meets — The People's wrath!
That your Legislatures and your courts you purge
" Sweet land " — my land — " of Liberty " — I urge.
You're in too sad a plight, believe me dear,
For plaudits to have aught but a false ring.
The shallow clang of counterfeit to th' ear.
The courage of your soldiers all men know.
Their daring and their patience all have seen.
Your sailors' markmanship full well doth show
How accurate their discipline hath been.
But Justice in thy land hath gone astray;
Believe me dear, she wanders from the path,
And like a drunken harlot reels her way
Along the broad road that meets — The People's wrath!
That your Legislatures and your courts you purge
" Sweet land " — my land — " of Liberty " — I urge.
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