Come Wanton Wenches

Come : all you wanton wenches
tha t longs to be in tradinge,
come learne of me, loues Mistris,
to keepe yo u r selues ffrom Iadeinge!
when you expose yo u r ffaces,
all baytes ffor to entrapp men,
then haue a care to husband yo u r ware,
tha t you proue not bankrout chapmen
be not att ffirst to nice nor coye
when gamsters you are courtinge,
nor fforward to be sportinge;
in speeches ffree, not in action bee,
for feare of lesse resortinge

Let not yo u r outward iesture
b[e]rawy yo u r inward passyon;
but seeme to neglect, when most you doe affect,
in a cunning scornefull ffashyon
be sparing of yo u r ffavors
when mens loue grow most Eagare;
yett keepe good guard, or else all is mared
when they yo u r ffort beleaugar;
grant but a touch or a kisse ffor a tast,
& seeme not to bee willinge
allwayes ffor to be billinge.
w i th a tuch or a pinch, or a nipp or a wrenche,
disapont their hopes ffullfillinge.

If once you growe to lauish,
and all yo u r wealth discouer,
you cast of hope; for then w i th too much scope
you doe dull yo u r Egar louer.
then order soe yo u r treasure,
& soe dispend yo u r store,
tha t tho men do tast, their loues may neu er wast,
but they still may hope for more.
& if by chance, beinge wrapt in a trance,
you yeeld them full ffruityon
won by strong opposityon,
yett nipp & teare, & w i th poutinge sweare
'twas against yo u r disposityon.

Thus seeminge much displeased
w i th tha t did most content,
you whett desire, & daylye add fire
to a spiritt almost spent
be sure att the next encounter
you put yo u r loue to striue;
yett be not rude, if need he will intrude,
soe shall yo u r trading thriue,
soe shall you still be ffreshlye woed,
like to a p er fect mayd.
& doe as I haue sayd,
your ffaininge seemes true,
& like venus euer new,
and yo u r trading is not betrayd.
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