The Coming Captains

There are many children dressed in bibs,
There are many sleeping in their cribs,
There are many playing with their toys,
There are many girls and many boys:
They're coming! Though the world is wide,
Make room! They're coming! Stand aside!

Is there a wrong that needs a blow
From sturdy arms to lay it low?
Are there, albeit the world is old,
Unconquered evils manifold?
Has wrong some fortress wall unscaled?
Some bastioned tower unassailed?
Some vaunting champion undefied?
Stand back! They're coming! Stand aside!

And are there dragons still unslain,
The wallowing monsters of disdain,
Who mock the voices of our time
With reptile hisses from their slime?
And do the hearts of strong men fail
When they behold their serpent trail?
The boys and girls are coming. Stay!
The dragons they have had their day.

Are there old phantoms of old fears
That haunt the pathway of the years?
Old doubts that make the sunshine cold
And make the hearts of men grow old?
Fall back! ye spectres, in the night,
Our face is forward toward the light.
The boys and girls are coming! Hide!
Stand back! They're coming! Stand aside!

The old commanders have grown gray,
The famous Captains pass away,
The grim old Generals are slain—
Now who shall plan the new campaign?
There are many children dressed in bibs,
There are many sleeping in their cribs—
Come forward! Our old chiefs are gone!
Come from your cradles—lead us on!

The army murmurs at delay;
Come, lead us, Captains. We obey.
Hark, hear the loud foes' battle-drum,
Ye captains from the cradle, come!
The hosts meet. Let the war begin!
We love you—trust you—you will win.
Haul down, ye foes, your flag of pride!
Fall back! They're coming! Stand aside!
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