Of the Commoditees of Pruse, and Hyghe Duche Menne, and Esterlynges

Of the commoditees of Pruse, and Hyghe Duche menne, and Esterlynges. The v. chapitle.

Now goo wee fforthe to the commoditees
That cometh to Pruse in too manere degrees;
Ffor too manere peple have suche use,
This is to saye, Highe Duch men of Pruse
And Esterlynges, whyche myghte not be forborne
Oute of Fflaundres, but it were verrely lorne.
Ffor they bringe in the substaunce of the beere
That they drynken fele to goode chepe, not dere.
Ye have herde that twoo Fflemmynges togedere
Wol undertake, or they goo ony whethere,
Or they rise onys, to drinke a barelle fulle
Of gode berkyne; so sore they hale and pulle,
Undre the borde they pissen as they sitte;
This cometh of covenant of a worthy witte.
Wythoute Calise in ther buttere the cakked,
Whan they flede home, and when they leysere lakked
To holde here sege, they wente lyke as a doo;
Wel was that Fflemmynge that myght trusse and goo.
Ffor fere they turned bake, and hyede faste;
Mi lorde of Gloucestre made hem so agaste
Wyth his commynge, and sought hem in here londe,
And brente and slowe as he hadde take on honde;
So that oure enmyse durste not byde nor stere,
They flede to mewe, they durste no more appere.
Then his meyne seyden that he was dede,
Till we were goo, ther was non bettir rede.
Ffy! cowardy knyghthode was aslepe,
As dede their duk yn mew they did hym kepe,
Rebukede sore for evere so shamefully
Unto here uttere everelastinge vylany.
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