The Communion of the Sick


O PRIEST beloved! a favored guest,
Bidden of thee, how oft I kneel
Where some poor sufferer distressed
Looks to thy hand to soothe and heal!

His sacramental coming there
God's messenger of pain precedes,
The shadowed chamber to prepare,
And fit it for the Master's needs.

" Arise and walk, " thou dost not say,
But thou the Bread of Life dost break
To strengthen souls upon their way,
Their thirst with Wine immortal slake.

The humble table by the bed,
Followed sometimes by dying eyes,
How often have I seen thee spread,
And offer there the sacrifice.

How often from thy reverent hands
Received the Manna veiled from view;
Then by the sick one seen thee stand
And feed him with that Manna true.

How often when the gracious Cup
From me has passed, have I beheld
Thee lift the weary sufferer up
To drink the hidden stream that welled!

How often have I seen the face
Beneath thy blessing brighter grow
When the poor soul received the peace
Thou art commissioned to bestow!

And ever springs this thought of mine:
Jesus, how gracious Thou to come
Not only to Thy temple's shrine
But even to the meanest home!

And who am I, that unto me
Occasions fall that others miss?
But, Lord, my need is known to Thee;
Thy answer must be hid in this!

O priest beloved! to Him I owe
For these unwonted hours of grace
Such love as deeds can never show;
Pray that my love may grow apace!

To follow on thy lowly rounds,
Oh, pray that I may worthier be,
And where Christ's suffering ones are found
Still, for His sake, make room for me.
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