Of the Comodius Stokfysshe of Yselonde

Of the comodius stokfysshe of Yselonde, and kepynge of the see, namely the narowe see,
wyth an incident of the kepynge of Calyse. The tenne chapitule.

Of Yseland to wryte is lytille nede,
Save of stokfische; yit for sothe in dede
Out of Bristow, and costis many one,
Men have practised by nedle and by stone
Thider-wardes wythine a lytel whylle,
Wythine xij. yere, and wythoute perille,
Gone and comen, as men were wonte of olde
Of Scarborowgh unto the costes colde;
And now so fele shippes thys yere there were,
That moche losse for unfraught they bare;
Yselond myght not make hem to be fraught
Unto the hawys; this moche harme they caught.
Thene here I ende of the comoditees
Ffor whiche nede is well to kepe the sees;
Este and weste, sowthe and northe they be;
And chefely kepe the sharpe narowe see,
Betwene Dover and Caleise, and as thus
That fosse passe not wythought gode wyll of us,
And they abyde oure daunger in the lenghte,
What for oure costis and Caleise in oure strenghte.
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