Conclusion of this Deppendinge of Kepinge of the See

Conclusion of this deppendinge of kepinge of the see.

Than I conclude, yff nevere so moche by londe
Werre by carres brought unto there honde,
Yff welle the see were kepte in governaunce,
They shulde by see have no delyveraunce,
Wee shulde hem stoppe, and wee shulde hem destroy,
As prysoners wee shulde hem brynge to noy;
And so wee shulde of oure cruelle enmysse
Make oure ffrendes for fere of marchaundysse,
Yff they were not suffred for to passe
Into Fflaundres; but wee be frayle as glasse,
And also bretylle, not thought, nevere abydynge,
But when grace shynethe sone are wee slydynge.
Wee woll it not reseyve in any wysse;
That maken luste, envye, and covetysse.
Expoune me this, and ye shall sothe it fynde,
Bere it aweye, and kepe it in youre mynde.
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