Conclusion of the Whole. Sonet 7 -
Sonet 7.
Sometymes in verse I prays'd, sometymes I sigh'd
No more shall pen with loue nor beautie mell
But to my heart alone my heart shall tell
How vnseene flames doe burne it day and night.
Least flames giue light, light bring my loue to sight,
Loue proue my follies to much to excell,
Wherefore my loue burne like the flame of hell
Wherein is fire and yet there is no light.
So shall henceforth more follie less follie haue
And follie past shall iustlye pardon craue.
For if none euer lou'd like mee, then why
Still blameth he the things he doth not knowe
And he that so hath lou'd shall favoure showe
For he hath been a foole as well as I.
Sometymes in verse I prays'd, sometymes I sigh'd
No more shall pen with loue nor beautie mell
But to my heart alone my heart shall tell
How vnseene flames doe burne it day and night.
Least flames giue light, light bring my loue to sight,
Loue proue my follies to much to excell,
Wherefore my loue burne like the flame of hell
Wherein is fire and yet there is no light.
So shall henceforth more follie less follie haue
And follie past shall iustlye pardon craue.
For if none euer lou'd like mee, then why
Still blameth he the things he doth not knowe
And he that so hath lou'd shall favoure showe
For he hath been a foole as well as I.
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