Confess Jehovah


Confess Jehovah thankfully.
For He is good; for, His mercy
Continueth forever.
To God of Gods confesse doe ye:
Because, His bountiful mercie
Continueth forever.
Unto the Lord of Lords confess
Because His merciful kindness
Continueth forever.
To him that doth, himself onely
Things wondrous great: for, His mercy
Continueth forever.


To Him that spread the earth more high
Than waters are: for His mercy
Continueth forever.
To Him that made great lights to bee:
Because His bountiful-mercie
Continueth forever.
The sun to have the soveraigntie
By day: for His benigne-mercie
Continueth forever.
The moon and starrs for soveraigntie
By night: for His benigne-mercie
Continueth forever.


To Him that with their firstborn-race
Smote Egypt: for His bounteous grace
Continueth forever.
And Israel bring forth did Hee
From mids of them: for, His mercie
Continueth forever.
With strong hand, and arm stretched-high:
Because His bountiful-mercie
Continueth forever.
To Him that parted the Red Sea
In parts: because, His kind-mercie
Continueth forever.


And caused Israel through to passe
Amids it: for, His bounteous grace
Continueth forever.
And threw Pharoh and his armie
In the Red Sea: for His mercie
Continueth forever.
To Him that in the wilderness
Did lead his folk: for His kindness
Continueth forever.
To Him, that kings of greatness-high
Did smite: for, His benigne-mercie
Continueth forever.
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