Consider the Lilies
Consider how the lilies grow,
Perfume shedding, widely spreading,
How the scarlet blossoms blow!
Broad in Galilee their fame,
Jesus called them by their name.
Consider how the lilies thrive,
Beauteous ever, toiling never,
Only need to smile and live;
Father has them in his care,
Makes the scarlet blossoms fair.
Consider what the lilies say:
" All is given us from Heaven,
Father keeps us every day!
He who makes the lilies grow,
Will He not provide for you? "
Consider how the lilies die —
Loved and cherished, lost and perished.
We are for eternity!
He who gives the flowerlet bloom,
He will snatch us from the tomb!
Perfume shedding, widely spreading,
How the scarlet blossoms blow!
Broad in Galilee their fame,
Jesus called them by their name.
Consider how the lilies thrive,
Beauteous ever, toiling never,
Only need to smile and live;
Father has them in his care,
Makes the scarlet blossoms fair.
Consider what the lilies say:
" All is given us from Heaven,
Father keeps us every day!
He who makes the lilies grow,
Will He not provide for you? "
Consider how the lilies die —
Loved and cherished, lost and perished.
We are for eternity!
He who gives the flowerlet bloom,
He will snatch us from the tomb!
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